I need to learn how to do that - desperately.
Ole and I were supposed to leave on our month's vacation yesterday. This is the third trip we've planned since last March that we've had to cancel. Ole was admitted into the hospital yesterday instead. He wasn't getting any better over the weekend so on Monday morning I threatened him with either getting in my car and going back to the ER or calling 911 and having him taken in by ambulance. (I have my ways, you know.)
After waiting for over two hours to see a doctor, it was decided to admit him where they will pump him full of antibiotics every four hours instead of ever 12. Along with that they'll give him IV pain meds because he was in pretty bad shape. After talking with him on the phone this morning he sounded pretty droopy - hadn't had much sleep last night because somebody was always poking and prodding him. The doctor had been in to visit this morning and said he was surprised that there was very little change in his leg, although the blood work showed the infection was localized and not spread throughout his bloodstream. Thank heavens for that. I know that staph is an extremely difficult infection to get rid of and with Ole's complications of diabetes and crushed cells and surface veins in his affected leg, this will only be more complicated.
I have one friend whose husband died from a staph infection that couldn't be brought under control, and another friend whose uncle died from it also. I'm extremely worried - and a lot scared. So put in a good word with the Man Upstairs for Ole, please, and I could use one too, to keep my sanity. Thanks in advance.
One little bright spot in my life right now is Lucy. Isn't she a pretty little thing?
I have a lot of difficulty working on the computer because as soon as she sees me sitting here she's up on the desk in front of the monitor chirping at me. She doesn't meow, she kind of chirps like a little bird. I had her in for shots and to be spayed so she's truly mine now. For a free little cat that came to my house I've now got over $300 invested. Oh, well, if you can't afford to take care of your pets you shouldn't have them.
Senior Citizen Simon has been such a gentleman throughout Lucy's arrival. Never a fuss or fume from him about anything regarding her. When they're outside she follows him around like a little shadow and he acts like he's showing her the ropes. I can't believe how much she's grown since she came here, but I guess getting some good food in her helped that issue. No more ribs and backbone sticking out. And she's such a little lover. I'm so glad she came into my life.
So sorry to hear about Ole, I will keep him in my prayers. That is a truely scarry infection I hope he is soon on the road to recovery.
Lucy looks like she has found her person for sure. All she needed was love.
Hang in there!
i will be praying for ole and a speedy recovery. BIG HUGS FOR YOU!!!
What a pretty cat! My Ricky was a chirper too.
{{Good wishes going out to Ole and to you.}} I do know what it's like, being the waiting one *outside of the hospital.*
Sending you and Ole all my best power thoughts, Lena. Tough times, long, lonely evenings and nights for you, and a confusion of tests and treatments for Ole. Keep on keeping on.
Oh no! Poor Ole! And poor you! You give Ole one of my best smooches, okay?
And Lucy is really adorable. So far I have a whole lot invested into Stella. The toys alone cost me a fortune. And yet, I made another stop by the pet store on the way home from work today. It's too much fun.
Keep us updated on Ole, please. Well, if you have time. Don't you worry about us. You just worry about you and Ole.
Poor Ole! I am holding you all in my thoughts and prayers. I have beaten a staph infection, and it is not fun. Hugs to the big guy and tell him there is a real hug waiting for him in Tombstone. Blessings.
Oh, dear! "It's always something," as Rosanne Rosannadanna used to say. My prayers are with Ole and you. I do believe that all will be well in the long run, but do take care of yourself in the meantime. I hope Ole does mind the doctor!
Lucy is a real sweetheart. You and she are sure good for each other.
Hugs from Asia,
~ Sil
My thoughts are with you and Ole... take care...
I am praying hard, for Ole, and for you.//She's a lovely cat, who seems to know how lucky she is. Mel
Sending healing vibes to Ole. Hang in there.
I'm so glad you got Ole to the hospital and he's being taken care of. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
And Miss Lucy is lovely!!
Oh, Lena... you and Ole are in my thoughts and prayers. I sure hope this infection gets knocked out by those high-powered antibiotics and that Ole is home with you again as soon as possible!!! *HUGS*
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