First of all, go over to
Art's page and wish him a Happy Birthday. Today is the 20th anniversary of his 29th birthday!! (Pssst! that's not REALLY a picture of Art up top - I'm just funnin' him.)
And then, another item of interest. After reading through all the entries on my Google Reader this morning I wanted to leave comments on
Yvonne's page and on
Moody Gemini's page, but for the life of me I couldn't get the comment to register. When I would click the submit button all I would get was
this page cannot be displayed. What's up with this? Anybody else had this trouble?
And then onto other business - yucky business. This may be too much information for some people. Remember a couple of weeks ago when I went to see the dermatologist and he
Pinched, Poked, Prodded and Fried my body? Well, at that time I also had him check out a small, round lump close to my tummy button. He told me it was nothing to worry about, just a cyst and it would probably disappear on its own. But if it didn't - to come in and see him. Weeellll - over the weekend it tripled in size and started to hurt like a son of a gun.
Monday morning I called and he had had a cancellation, could I be there in 20 minutes. You've never seen anybody do the hustle as fast as I did. Considering I was still in my jammies when I made the call, and I live about 12 miles from the clinic, I strapped on my Superman cape, flew cross country and made it there in time. Ole says I must have broken the land speed records and I was lucky there were no highway patrols in the vicinity. Yup - I'm lucky that way because I admittedly have a very heavy foot.
Anyway, Dr. Derm looked at the lump, poked a bit and said, "Yup, it's got to come out." So he gave me a shot to numb the area, used what he called a punch and a tweezer and pulled this little puppy out. Then he held it up so I could see it and said, "Here it is, isn't it a pretty one?" It was about the size of a dime, all squiggly and lumpy and really ugly. I really didn't need to see it.
Then he came with his needle and thread and stitched me back up - 4 stitches, which are very sore this morning. Unfortunately this little spot is located right where the waistband of my jeans sit, not a good spot. Hopefully the tenderness will be gone by the time we leave on our bike trip because I've got a lot of layers of stuff that will have to ride on my waistline - jeans and chaps, etc.
Oh, well, cross that bridge when I get there I guess. I'm just glad I could get in as fast as I did because it didn't give me time to think about it. And now it's gone. Dr. Derm said if it had ruptured below the skin it would have caused some serious inflammation and would have been very uncomfortable. Something I really didn't want to deal when I'm away from home.
Anyway - because I didn't accomplish much yesterday in regards to getting the RV organized, etc., I better move it along today.
See ya - Love Lena
PS: Happy birthday AGAIN Art - have a great day.