Below is what I take pictures with - an Olympus SP-560UZ with an 18x optical zoom lense and dual image stabilizers. But I'm not so sure my pictures are really any better quality than hers. I don't profess to be a "photographer" by any means, but I do have fun and have in the past taken some awards at the county fair - just out of pure luck I'm sure.

So I decided to share some pictures with you - nothing great - just some snaps captured on the run.
A truckload of dogs getting ready to go for their ride - believe me - that truck doesn't leave the property without them.
Just a country road in the middle of winter. See the drift coming up that we have to drive through? Doesn't look like it from here, but it was about 3 feet deep.
One of my wren houses - needless to say there's no wrens living in it now. And the sign below says "Out Biking" - Not hardly!!
This was taken from my front yard just experimenting with the zoom - that's Lovely Daughter's house with one of her Watch Cats in the window. He's watching the birds.
Just a shot of Ole working in his shop. He's restoring a 1934 Dodge for a customer.
One of the little guys I've been keeping fed this winter. I curse them in the summer when they eat my flowers, but can't stand to see anything go hungry in the winter.
I find this one really interesting not because of the makeup of the photo, but because I think the goldfinches know something we don't. Goldfinches that manage to stay here throughout the winter are usually a very muddy brown and don't turn their bright yellow until about the time the trees start to leaf out. For some strange reason I've had a ton of finches all winter and they are all starting to turn their bright yellow now. Maybe they know something we don't? I sure hope they're right because I'm developing quite a case of cabin fever this year for some reason.
And now for some truly brave but not very smart souls. I saw this clip on TV this morning and had to share it. I LOVE the big guys in their tutus.
Happy Winter!