Well, that's not exactly true - I don't say "nothing" regularly because Ole says I talk ALL the time!! Be that as it may, I'm just kind of out of words for the time being. How can that be, you say? A ScandihOOvian female who has nothing to gossip about?
Well, I've kinda decided not to write about Jane and all her antics anymore. You're probably sick of hearing about her anyway, right? I mean, the fact that she spent a good portion of her time groping Dick's crotch the night we all went to dinner together at Bennigans - the night before they left for their Vegas trip has nothing to do with me. So if she wants to prove to everyone around that she's a pig, let her. Yeah, going to dinner with someone who would do that in public leaves a bit to be desired, and we probably won't be doing that anymore. It just proves she has no respect for herself, let alone poor Dick.
I've kinda reached a point where I don't feel sorry for Dick anymore either. Don't get me wrong, I still think he's a wonderful person - he's so kind and a true friend. But to put up with the kind of behavior that she exhibits makes we wonder about him too. It's the opinion of several in our group that either he puts up with it because she would make his life so miserable if he clamped down on her behavior or he secretly likes having a wife that is so "risque!"
Two years ago in Sturgis she walked around with her boobs hanging out - completely - just pulled her t-shirt down and let her size 40DD all hang out. She's named them Mikey and Stevie. Wonder if she tried to get away with that in Vegas?
And, oh yes, more XXX porn pictures came in Ole's email this morning. She's definitely back. A female who gets a thrill out of looking at other female's bare crotches exposing ALL of the inner-most parts has got to be really sick. Bob's been getting the pictures on a daily basis from her also. I wonder what she's trying to do.
In conversation on Monday night with Bob's daughter-in-law, who was also down at the Watering Hole for half price burgers I learned more about how disliked Jane is in the community. DIL's grandparents go to our church and used to sit about third or fourth row back from the front. You know how it is in these little country churches; everyone seems to have their own pew, sits there every Sunday, and by golly, if a stranger comes to church and sits in YOUR pew and you have to sit somewhere else, it's traumatic. Anyway, grandparents ended up moving completely to the other side of the church because they couldn't stand to watch Jane fondle the back of Dick's head and his ears and rub his back during church. I guess all actions have their place, but possibly not in church, and especially in the front pew where Dick and Jane always sit.
Anyway, not having had her around for a week has been very peaceful. And I've
decided that I'm not going to let her upset me anymore. She's only proving to the world what an ass she truly is.
I've been bouncing around reading various blogs this morning and it seems the general concensus of us "Northerners" is that winter needs to be over now. We've had enough. Winter doesn't usually get me down, but boy this year I've developed a bad case of cabin fever. Our "normal" winter, if there is such a thing, usually has a cold snap in January where temps get way below zero and stay there for a week or 10 days or even two weeks. Then they go back up to a range somewhere between zero and the high 20s for the remainder of the winter. But this year that hasn't happened - they've been bouncing around from WAY below zero for a few days then up and down for a few days at a time. This makes it seem that it's been subzero for most of the winter. We're supposed to have 20 below again tonight and then in the 20s and 30s for the weekend. Enough already. STOP. It's March - the snow is supposed to start to melt. Get started. Enough bitching about that too, okay?
I have one more room to spring houseclean - the computer room, and that's going to be a job and a half. I don't know if your computer room is like mine, but there's so much important stuff stashed in here - you know - all those things you absolutely have to hang onto that have no value whatsoever. So I've decided I'm going to get really cruel and tough and pitch a lot of stuff. Of course you know what will happen then, don't you? That's when I'll find that I really need it. Maybe I'll just stuff it all in a box and pack it into the storeroom we have in the basement.
When I finish in the computer room I get to start tearing wallpaper off the walls in the master bedroom. Ugh - what a terrible job. But Ole and Lovely Daughter have all committed to helping me so maybe it won't be too terrible. We could make a party out of it and bring out a bit of Ole's homemade wine. And some cheese and crackers. Maybe we wouldn't get too much ripping done, but it would be a lot more fun, don't you think?
Anyway, I'm kind of out of subjects to write about anymore. So I'm open to suggestions from any of you. Okay? What do you like to hear about?