You know what? My damn Christmas tree broke. Can you believe it? A broken Christmas tree.
Lovely Daughter and Lars were here on Friday evening. Ole and Lars were making more cookies and fudge and chocolate mice. Yes – I said chocolate mice. I’ll get to them later.
Anyway, they got the tree all decorated, plugged it in and Ta-Da – it was gorgeous – for about five minutes. Then all the fiber optics went out. Turned it off, turned it on, gorgeous for about five minutes and the fiber optics went out again. Wash, rinse, and repeat.
What is this anyway, that tree has only been used two seasons, this would be it’s third. It sure better last longer than that. And of course none of us thought to test it out before we got it set up in the corner and all decorated with umpty-three ornaments either. So Ole waited until the next morning so he could see better, got down on his tummy and sckootched (is that a neener?) himself into the corner and took the bottom of the tree apart without rustling one single ornament.
He discovered that the itty-bitty fan that cools the high intensity light in the base had bit the dust, so at least that’s an easy fix. The tree should be up and twinkling again this afternoon after Ole gets home from town and performs his electrical magic on it.
And this isn’t even the tree I threw out on the deck in a moment of ScandihOOvian anger a few years ago –
if you remember that story!!
And then there’s my kitchen – again – it needs another thorough cleaning. Ole and Lars baked on Friday night, again on Saturday afternoon and then Ole and I baked some more on Sunday afternoon. I think I’m done now. I can’t even stand to look at another piece of fudge or a Christmas cookie, let alone try to choke one down. You know how it gets – ugh. But it’s definitely better for the waistline that way, right?
I’m sure you guys have all seen the chocolate mice I’m talking about.

They’re made from maraschino cherries with stems that are dipped in chocolate, have a Hershey’s kiss attached for a head, slivered almond ears and little beady eyes and a nose made from colored sugar. Ole presented a half dozen of them to the minister’s wife on Sunday after church. They moved into a beautiful old house that they are renovating and this fall had their share of mouse problems that she was telling us all about the prior Sunday. You should have heard her hoot when she opened the box of chocolate mice. So much fun.
We’ve already received our invitation for a New Year’s Eve party. Can’t you tell I’m so thrilled? It’s Dick and Jane’s annual event. Ick – I’d rather stay home. So we decided, after consultation with Bob & Carol, that we’d all go out to dinner together, along with another couple, Scott & Diane. After all, New Year’s Eve is Bob’s birthday, so we need to have a special celebration for him, don’t you think? Then we’ll all stop for a short period of time at Dick & Jane’s, and then come out to our house, play some cards, sit in the hot tub, etc. Sounds like a much more pleasant evening than hanging around Dick & Jane’s watching all the perverts.
You can read about Tim sucking on Jane’s bare boob in front of everybody last year here – that’s if you want to be grossed out. For those of you who haven’t read me very long and want to know more about Jane, feel free to poke around in those pages so you can get a feel for what Jane is like and why I dislike her so much.
Enough of that – on to more positive things.
Today my goal is to get all my Christmas cards and letters written. I think I’m going to do a cyber post of my Christmas letter for all my friends who are on line and send a hard copy out to those who aren’t computer literate. I got a number of email letters last year and I certainly had no problem with that. I’ve never been this late getting my cards out before. I’ve always had them ready to go the first week in December and would send them out over the course of time depending on how far away they had to go. I did get my big package mailed to Big Brother on Saturday. Cost me $20 to send it UPS. It’s full of cookies, fudge, homemade salsa, homemade jellies, some Christmas breads, and Ole even included a bottle of his homemade wine. So with all the packing the box got pretty heavy.
Well, Folks, if I’m going to accomplish my goal I better get with it.
Love to you all,