Sheesh - you guys - as of yesterday I was all caught up on reading blogs. This morning I opened up Google Reader and there was a long, long list again - so I've been sitting here reading and reading and reading and commenting. Either you guys lead a lot more interesting lives than I do, or you're writing fools. Maybe a bit of both?
So - exitement in my life? Not a lot. There was karaoke down at the Watering Hole last night so we stopped down about 8 o'clock just to visit a bit, not intending to stay for more than an hour or so. Yah, right - we came waltzing in the door at 11 o'clock. Pat and George were there having dinner so we sat with them and visited. They're such a fun couple. Bob and Carol weren't there because Carol had to work until 9:00.
But of course Jane was there holding court. Her entire entourage was there swarming around her so she was in her glory. A bit later one of Jane's neighbors and his wife came in. Wife sat down with us and had her dinner, but Husband Neighbor sat at Jane's table. I've been very suspicious of something going on there for quite some time, so last night I just kept close watch out of the corner of my eye. Never said boo to anyone about my suspicions, but later in the evening Pat asked me of there was hanky panky going on between Jane and Neighbor Husband. I don't know if it's reached the hanky panky stage yet, but it's extremely obvious that Jane has the hots for Neighbor Husband. VERY obvious. She can't keep her hands off him, but at this point he still acts as if it's all a big joke. Wife didn't stay any longer than it took to eat her dinner and then got up and left using the excuse that she was tired and just wanted to go home. And whenever Neighbor Husband would make an attempt to visit with anyone else, Jane would elbow her way into the conversation and take it over. That happened to me a couple of times last night.
Then Neighbor Husband got up to sing the Macarena and guess who was the ONLY one out on the dance floor - standing in the middle facing Neighbor Husband making moon eyes at him and dancing the Macarena? Yup - you got it - Jane, wiggling her big fat butt. I swear she wasn't wearing a bra last night because the way her 40DDs wagged around they could have done damage to someone's head if they'd gotten too close.
Anybody want to hang their head over the porcelain god with me while I puke???