That's me, all right, up there in that cartoon. That's just exactly what I'm doing today. But the mess and the dirt aren't leftover from Mother's Day, they're leftover from the whole last week. You see, when I work in my yard, which I've been doing this past week, I totally forget about the inside, and then it piles up. THAT's what I should have asked for for Mother's Day - a cleaning fairy!! She could just buzz around here every morning and wave her magic wand and get rid of all the dirt and put everything back where it belongs.
I am making progress outside, though, and if it wasn't so frickin' cold and windy out I'd be out there today. But it's only May 12th - why would I expect warm weather and sunshine here in Minnesota??? (just a bit of sarcasm here, folks.)
It snowed here last Saturday - yes, people - snow on May 10th. It snowed from 10 o'clock in the morning until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, or so I was told by several friends. You see we weren't here. We had a surprise 60th birthday party to attend down in Minneapolis. And what a wonderful trip it was, too. (There's that sarcasm again.) We drove in heavy rain for two and a half hours, then finally drove out of it about the time we arrived at the destination. Then about the time we were ready to leave at 6 o'clock it was pouring pitchforks and hay bales for two hours on way back. It rained so hard I think I even saw some livestock falling between the pitchforks and hay bales. And then, wouldn't you know, the wiper on the driver's side decided it was tired of flapping back and forth and started coming off. We had to stop several times for Lars to do first aid on the wiper so I could see to drive. AAACCCKKK!! Not a fun trip. But we blew the Birthday Boy away. He didn't have a clue his wife was doing this until he drove up in the driveway. Ha ha - gotcha!! That's so fun. There were friends from Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and even one from Arizona that he hadn't seen for 24 years. Can you imagine? It was lots of fun for Ole too, because the Birthday Boy and Ole worked together for 28 years, and many of the out-of-towners were old "company" coworkers. So there was lots of reminiscing that went on.
Mother's Day dawned bright and sunny but on the nippy side. Several of my plants got frost bite that night, but I guess they'll recover. I had a wonderful day. Came home from church and Senior Citizen Simon and I checked our eyelids for leaks. I didn't find any either for a couple of hours. That felt so good. By that time it was warm enough that I could work out in my flower gardens and accomplished a lot. Lars was worried that I was working too hard on Mother's Day and should be taking it easy, but I told him that this was a true source of relaxation for me - for one thing it gives me a real feeling of accomplishment to look back and see all the weeds pulled out, the edging done, a few new plants installed, and everything neat and clean. Then Lars and Ole put burgers on the grille, along with fresh corn on the cob and some sweet little red potatoes. They were SO good. Then we all spent about an hour in the hot tub and we were all ready for bed.
It was such a nice day. And it's so nice to be friends with your kids. Hi - Lovely Daughter - Love you!! (And Lars too!)
what a wonderful weekend you had!! except for the nasty weather, of course!!
Hello yourself!
Sorry about the weather. So glad I moved here!
Glad you had a happy Mother's day dispite the weather and all the household chaos. :)
What happened to Rosie the romba?
did she ever come back?
Glad you had such a good time on Mother's Day weekend!
We celebrated Children's Day on May 5 and Parents' Day on May 8 here in Korea. The kids had the week off from school, so they were happy. Buddha's Birthday was on the 12th, like Christmas for the Buddhists, another national holiday.
Happy Trails!
~ Sil in Corea
Wow...I'll never complain about living in Chicagoland again. Snow on May 10TH???...My best Mothers Days are spent working in the garden..when asked what I want to do...I say "I want to be left alone to plant my flowers"
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