Saturday, May 17, 2008

His partying days are OVER!

WARNING: This is graphic.
If you have a weak stomach, don't read this!!

Remember the entry from a couple of days ago when I wrote about how Man-About-Town Herkie entices Senior Citizen Simon out to party all night long?

Well, Folks, those days have ended as of this morning. I got up at 7:30 this morning, wandered out to the kitchen to get my glass of orange juice and looked through the dining room out the patio door. And what did my wandering eyes focus on? All these pieces of something spread all over the carpet. As I stepped closer I threw my hands up in frustration, turned my head and gagged until I thought my stomach and esophagus were going to turn inside out.

It was bunny parts that had been somewhat disgested. Well, actually, it wasn't just parts - it was the whole bunny. I could tell, but I won't go into detail here, okay?

Had enough folks? Don't read on then, okay?

Now being a mother and having raised all kinds of puppies and kitties all my life, I'm used to what can come out of either end of kids and animals. And I've done my share of cleaning that material up. You just hold your breath and do it. But this was by far the most difficult thing to clean up I have ever done. And it was spread all over, not just in one spot, which made it even more time consuming to clean up. Couldn't just pick up a few pieces and be done - nope - had to crawl all over the dining room floor picking up pieces of fur, bone, body parts, etc. (sorry guys). I think I gagged for another 10 minutes even after I was done and then went to scrub my hands with disinfectant. Now I've got to clean the carpet too. What a way to start a beautiful Saturday morning.

So much for Senior Citizen Simon's nightly partying. I'm cutting off his supply of crack (cat nip) and doing an intervention here.


art sez: said...

OMG!! that is horrid!! zipper would never do anything like that!! if its bigger than he is, or same size he cowers away!!
senior citizen needs Catnip Anonomous!! hope you have a better day!!

Anonymous said...

Good Gracious! Sounds like it's time to put a padlock on one of that series of flippy doors.

Ghaaah!!! I know what you mean. I've done my share of cleaning up revolting messes in my time, too.

Hugs and Condolences from Asia,
~ Sil in Corea

Anonymous said...

I once had a cat spread bits of a bird like that - we searched and searched, and there was still (we found out the hard way later when it started to smell) a bit of bird we missed in the back of a closet. I hope you can break Simon of it, good luck! Mel

bluesleepy said...

Oh my oh my... what an awful mess that must have been. You have my sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Wow the worst our former huntress, Dusty, ever did was leave headless disemboweled moles or shrews under the buffet..they were so small they'd dry up before they smelled and we'd find the shriveled up mummies under the buffet the few times we'd move it in a year.

Anonymous said...

YEEEESH! You are right to curtail those late night activities!

Meggie said...

I'll bet after this post you'll get dozens of "I remember when" comments. If you have cats...

Okay. Yes. I have two cats. But guess what? They don't hunt or kill. Heaven only knows why, but I'm not questioning it. I give my thanks daily for this blessing. AND I have a PupDog who loves, loves, loves the cats. Even when they "pfffff" at him for smelling their private parts.

Your blog today has given me an idea for a future post on mine. Thanks. -Megan-

Anonymous said...

OMG !! ICK, kinda makes me glad I don't have cats.

Poor Lena.