Saturday, June 30, 2007

Whupping Up on an Old Bat

I lied. I said I wasn’t going to whip that dead horse anymore, so I won’t. I’ll take Yvonne’s advice and whup up on an Old Bat!! Guess who – you’re right – Jane – AGAIN!

Dick and Jane left for their daughter’s on Friday late afternoon after Jane got home from work. Prior to their leaving, Dick stopped over at Bob and Carol’s house just to kind of vent. I guess he was pretty down in the dumps, but looking forward to his weekend away. Wonder if Jane ever told him that their daughter didn’t WANT them to come??

Anyway, Dick told them that Jane had ended up in the Emergency Room on Wednesday afternoon – she thought she was having a heart attack. After all the appropriate tests were administered, she was told she definitely was NOT having a heart attack, and after much questioning, the doctor determined that she was having an anxiety attack. Pain in the chest, rapid pulse and heart palpitations. I guess the doctor talked to her about her stress level, and that’s when she unloaded on the doc and Dick about her confrontation with me. Guess where that puts me? In the Blame Seat, of course, at least in Jane’s mind. Heaven forbid that Jane take any responsibility for her actions.

When Dick was confiding in Bob and Carol, Carol said she explained to Dick how friends in general feel about Jane and her antics. Dick said he is well aware of her actions but there’s nothing he can do about it. She’s just out of control. They’ve lost several friends in the past because of Jane’s personality defects. I think she needs some kind of behavior counseling or modification classes or something. But of course you’ll never convince HER of that.

Anyway, we’re not having a birthday party for Dick as such, but we decided to go ahead and have a fire in the fire pit on Sunday evening. I left a message on Dick and Jane’s answering machine – so we’ll see if they come or not when they get back from their daughter’s house.

There was karaoke at The Local Watering Hole last night. And it was SO MUCH FUN – small crowd and everyone commented on how relaxed an evening it was because Jane wasn’t there. Something has got to be done about this woman – she spoils EVERYONE’s fun.


art sez: said...

Jane should be told that she is not welcome at events because of her behaviour, plain and simple, and dick should just tell jane how he really feels, he can do something about jane. he just dont want to for some reason. once jane sees that she is not welcome and why, maybe then, she will change her ways.

Lena . . . said...

All good in theory. I think Dick is scared of Jane too. And Jane has told me in the past that she doesn't CARE whether people like her or not. She is who she is and that's the way it is!! What an attitude, huh?

I've told her that it isn't necessarily WHAT she says, it's HOW she says it. And if she could clean that up things would be a lot better.

Unknown said...

Jane is getting something she wants or needs from her behavior because people DO what gets them the rewards they want. Power? Control? She makes herself feel superior by squashing other people? Everyone is enabling her bad behavior if they put up with it.

Yvonne said...

If Dick cannot get through to her (or has the balls to broach the subject), it's a lost cause.

Too bad everyone couldn't just pretend she isn't there. Hey, maybe she'll decide to punish all of you and stay at her daughter's! (Poor daughter).

Just as long as you don't take one ounce of responsibility for Jane's "anxiety attack." I think it's another act.

YankeeChick said...

I'm just catching up on your last 4 entries and all I can say is.....HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! What a shame to have a 'person' like her in your circle of friends. Un-f***ing real!!! Sorry, but this bitch needs a really big broom to fly her ass outta town! What a shame that Dick has to suffer and lose friends because of her. And I gotta say that if anyone has the balls to make one single comment to you regarding her anxiety attack, you should just tell them that if YOU were behind that in any way, shape or manner, that it WOULD have been a heart attack....not merely any anxiety attack! OMG, I gotta fly up, meet up with Kathy and come on up to your place with her!

Anonymous said...

Oh, good Lord! The HMS Pie Rat needs to sail over there and keelhaul that woman!

Anonymous said...

Gracious me!! UFFDA!! That Jane is sure a peace of work. Is her picture in the dictionary next to Drama Queen??

Glad you got to have fun at the watering hole anyway.