But I still have to lean over to pick up the throw rugs - I haven't got her trained to do that yet. And as a result - last Saturday morning when I was doing this daily deed - I leaned over to pick up one of my kitchen rugs and I swear someone hit me in the back with a tazer gun. AAACCCKKKK! Well, actually I said a few other choice words than aaaccckkk - but we won't go into them here. Of course it was a Saturday so my friendly chiropractor wasn't open, and doesn't come into the office until Monday afternoon. So, needless to say I had a very uncomfortable weekend. Spent most of it flat on my back because when I tried to move I swear someone was poking me in the back with a cattle prod.
By Monday afternoon I hurt so bad all I wanted was to have someone shoot me to put me out of my misery. But my Miracle Worker at least got me upright and moving again with another visit scheduled for tomorrow. Then I splurged and had his massage therapist work on my lower back for a half hour. Sure wish I could have that done on a weekly basis.

So needless to say I didn't go down to the Local Watering Hole last night to drink any green beer for St. Patty's day. The thought of that makes me gag anyway.
I did go down long enough to eat a burger and visited with Carol for a bit. Lovely Daughter showed up so the three of us were talking wedding plans. Carol doesn't have any daughters (only three sons) so she's kind of adopted Lovely Daughter and is as excited about making wedding plans as if she were the mother of the bride. With three grown sons she says she learned to "keep her mouth shut and wear beige" when it came to making wedding plans.
Carol absolutely loves to bake and has offered to make Lovely Daughter's wedding cake/cup cakes, etc. She's also volunteered to make all the mints. I told her we would have a Mint Party sometime this summer - with Carol heading up the crew that could be a lot of fun. Carol is a riot.
Ole and Bob had already gone to their weekly fire department training when Dick and Jane came in. I don't know what kind of a hair Jane had up her butt; she looked like she could bite everyone's head off. So nobody bothered to speak to her for fear she would and because nobody paid any attention to her she managed to keep her trap shut, which made for a somewhat more pleasant evening.
Well, my back has about had it from sitting in an upright position. I wish I could figure out how to operate the laptop while laying flat on my back - then I could keep up with all you guys. As it is you guys are all writing fools, so I haven't been able to keep up with all your blogging. Sorry if I've missed anything. I'll try to catch up when I can spend more time in a vertical position.
i know what ya mean by the shedding!! i have zipper fur EVERYWHERE!!! some people say chiropractors are Quacks, But to me, when needed, they are miracle workers!
Take care of yourself! We need you well for the great javelina hunt!
I've (knock on wood) haven't had to many problems with my back, but poor Hubby has. He literally goes to his knees. He got some back exercise routines from his chiropractor and it really has been his salvation. Hope you get kink free soon! Oh and Lena thank you so much for your comment after my sister's passing, it meant alot to me. Take care.
I hope your back gets better soon! Before I trashed my back permanently I had a wonderful Chiropractor in AK. What a blessing she was on many occasion!
I must have dozed off and missed something! Either that or I'm forgetting important stuff.........what's this about wedding plans?! When is the big day?
Take care of yourself! gentle **hugs**
So sorry to hear about your back. I have a table that I can use when I am flat on my back, rather like the bed tables they have in hospitals. TH had it made for me (he is good for some things). I don't know if that would work for you. I also have a bed that goes up in back for extra support. I can keep the mouse next to me, or on my leg, and manage most things that way. Hope you never really need to do that. ;-)
Sorry - should have said that that last comment was me, Mel.
Sorry to hear about your back! That stinks. I hope they get an attachment for rosey!
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