And then I woke up to THIS!!
Six inches of flippin' snow - heavy, wet snow. Will it never end?? How will the Easter Bunny ever manage to get through all of this stuff? He'll sink out of sight never to be found again.
So Ole is currently out blowing snow so that we can at least get in and out of our driveway. It's 10:30 and the snowplows haven't been out yet. There was just an announcement on the radio that they wouldn't be going out until the snow has stopped, which is forecast to happen around 4:00 this afternoon. Lovely Daughter and Lars left for work this morning with their 4-wheel drive engaged.
Oh, well, quitcher bitchin' - there's nothin' you can do about it anyway.
On to other things.
We have a new Super Walmart that has opened in our area. We had one previously, but it was waaay out on the west side of the city, (20+ miles) so I rarely went there. We had a regular old Walmart about 7 miles from my house, and that's the one I shopped at. Well, two weeks ago the old Walmart closed and the new Super Walmart opened so yesterday I made my first shopping soiree (neener) to the new store. I've done my grocery shopping for years at a local chain that's a bit more on the pricey side, but they have the best fresh produce and their own meat department where they do all their own cutting and packaging, besides cutting to order.
What I found was somewhat disconcerting - no - to be honest it made me downright angry. I was shopping for some Russet potatoes and was quite dismayed to find that they had all been packaged in Mexico. It was obvious that they had "been around" for quite some time as they were somewhat soft and wrinkled. Not nice and firm like a potato should be. What's going on here? I live in the middle of one of the largest potato producing areas of the United States and they expect me to eat potatoes shipped in from a foreign country? NOT!!! This prompted me to check more carefully on the other packaged produce - ALL OF IT had been packaged in Mexico, which also means that it had probably been grown in Mexico too. Who knows what kind of pesticides have been used on these items? I guess I certainly don't want to find out.
Then I went to find some tea biscuits - that was another exercise in futility and I left the store without them. Every package that was on the shelf had been squashed to the point that the biscuits looked like little pancakes. That's another thing about my local chain - they have their own bakery and are noted for their wonderful breads. They also make all their own deli selections - they don't ship it in in big tubs from some central warehouse.
What happened to Walmart's boast that they only sell American made products? Needless to say, I'll be doing my grocery shopping back at my pricey local chain where the food is fresh, they don't put the cleaning products in with the food items when they bag your groceries, they use paper bags that stand up instead of the plastic ones that allow your items to roll all over the back of the car on the trip home, and they carry your groceries out for you and put them neatly in your trunk or back seat. There's a reason my local chain is a bit higher priced, but I'm willing to pay for convenience.
And, oh yes, for those of you concerned about the use of paper bags by my grocery store. If you bring them back they issue you a nickel credit for each bag that is reusable. So they're not killing anymore trees than necessary.
So what are you having for Easter dinner/brunch? We're going to eat late afternoon and I'm making a turkey. We've had so much ham over the last month what with all the church ham dinners that have been around that I don't think I could swallow another piece. So turkey it is, with do ahead mashed potatoes, gravy, and all the other trimmings. We were going to go out for dinner on Sunday, but decided we'd miss the leftovers then. And besides, my back is finally better so I'm feeling up to cooking. It's not 100% yet, but almost.
And on that note I leave you with this:

Blame global warming!
I'm having veggie hotdogs and tater tots! I know how jealous you must be.
So far, our first day of spring looks just like your first day of spring! Dang!
Now, who's gonna fuss about paper bags over plastic? At least you can grow more trees (although most bags are now made from recycled bags) but where are we going to find more oil for the plastic ones?
Will this winter never end?
heer in de land o'mormon, its 60 degrees, and lil baby zipper wont let me take a nap he wants out!!! as for wal mart, they love mexicans and all things mexican, and china also. i NEVER shop there for food, much less anything else anymore. i'll goto harmons and pay $643781264128.98 for my monthly groceries, and have them in a double bagged in paper, knowing that I will have HEALTHY FRESH food that wont poison me or zipper, and thats grown right here in UTAH.
Oh, no! I look at your weather to figure out what's coming here next, and you have snow! (Meanwhile, I hear something outside that sounds suspiciously like an ice cream truck.)
You're seeing part of my basic antipathy to Walmart. I stick with the local chains.
I like Walmart for toiletries and household items, stuff that is cheaper there since we don't have a whole lot of excess cash. We had a SuperWalmart in Washington, and I would buy prepackaged groceries there if I had to (like crackers, cereal, etc), but I would never buy produce. And don't bother with their meat. Most grocery stores package their meat on-site, making it fresher, but Walmart buys it all prepackaged. Also every time I bought Walmart meat it smelled FUNKY.
I love that you reuse your paper bags. My mom's been doing that for more than 20 years, and when I was a kid, it was my job to fold up the paper bags again to make them easier for her to put into the car. I've got enough reusable tote bags that you buy at the grocery store that I rarely use any bags, paper or plastic. Sometimes I get weird looks for it, but oh well.
Mike likes Walmart and he goes there for 4.00 prescriptions and toilet paper and cleaning stuff...I personally thing Target has better prices on some of that stuff. I would never buy food at a big box store...I've bought from Walmart..Super Kmart...and Super Target and the quality just isn't there and the prices are not low enough to make me skimp on the quality. My sister is having an Easter brunch tomorrow with 2 kinds of Quich and ham and fruit salad and I am bringing those yummy baked crab cakes I wrote about a few days past...I had another friend try them and she is also raving...they are so good.
Hi, catching up as you are! Anyways I am sick of the white stuff too.
I worked at walmart for 2 years and know exactly what you mean the produce is just awful!
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