Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 Ways to Lower Gas Prices

And that's all I have to say about that!!


art sez: said...

i agree with newt on these things, but, the american people are lazy and wont, as a a nation, rise up against congress!! also, "global warming" is a crock pot of hoo-how!

YankeeChick said...

That was very good! Thanks for sharing. Not sure what Art means about Global Warming, but it is very real. Just in Alaska for example, glaciers that have been 'in place' for eons have begun to recede in recent years, the Perma-frost that is underground in most of the state is melting. In fact we literally lost the first home we built in Alaska because the Perma-frost in that area was melting and caused our basement to cave in!

Anyway... gotta tell you, my friend that I tagged me for a Meme over at my place. Hope you don't mind, but I would LOVE to see what you come up with! Hehehehe.

Anonymous said...

That was very interesting! Yes, the American people should rise up, but I think we've lost the ability to do so. You would think with the internet, we would be able to organize spot demonstrations within hours, but I'm afraid that with the price of gas, most of us can't afford to get there, and the others can't be bothered to get off the computer!

Meggie said...

Gosh! I don't know what to say (and that's saying something). Amazing!

Unknown said...

That was wonderful. Thank you for sharing it (since I'm never going to see anything like that any other way here in Israel).

Unknown said...

Sorry, should have said, that was me, Mel. :-)