Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Not the Nitty Gritty Details, but some pretty good stuff

Ole and I have had some very heavy discussions lately about what's appropriate to share with all my on-line friends. He's always so full of ideas that I told him HE should start a blog. But, of course, he doesn't think he's got time, you know. Says he's way too busy drinking coffee in the mornings, reading his emails, playing with the doggers, and things like that. So I guess it's up to me to follow through on this sharing business.

One of the subjects that we've decided that it's okay to share is our sex life. I'm sure you guys just are waiting to hear every explicit detail, right? Well, if you know anything at all about Finlanders you know they're a horney HEARTY bunch. They have to be in order to have existed in Finland. And the same for the rest of the ScandiHOOvians - you know the Norwegians, the Swedes and I'm not so sure about the Danish because they live farther south, you know.

Those certain characteristics didn't disappear when all those ScandiHOOvians immigrated to the United States. They're still a very "playful" bunch of people with a wonderful sense of humor.

Now I'm not going to get into the nitty-gritty details of every move, even though I'm sure you all want to hear every last little tidbit. But - - Ole and I certainly do our share of "fooling around." He always asks so nice and polite - and one morning we even took some pictures and decided to publish them. Would you like to see? Okay - here goes. Scroll down, okay?

* Keep scrolling
* You're almost there

April Fool - Gotcha!!

Love Lena


YankeeChick said...

Good one!! you Scandhoovians can't be topped!! LMAO!!!

bluesleepy said...

Hehehehehe!! That was cute!! Of course, now I will never think of the old couple in Beetle Bailey the same way again....

Anonymous said...

OMG! You are toooooo funny! And!
I'm a freak for scrolling as fast as I did trying to sneak a peak at that stuff.

Anonymous said...

ROFL! That's was a great joke! I hope you had a wonderful day.

golfwidow said...

I think that was the only April Fool's joke I laughed at. (The "flying penguins" doesn't count, because the second I heard Terry Jones' voice, I knew it was a prank.)