Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bitch and Gripe, Bitch and Gripe

Can anybody guess who this is? (sorry, picture has been removed.)

Easter has come and gone and we still have snow on the ground with more in the forecast for the end of this week. I guess the Easter bunny must have survived because he and a number of his buddies were up on my deck this morning eating the spilled birdseed.

I have a tale to tell you this morning.

I promised myself some time ago that I wasn’t going to let Jane upset me anymore. I’ve done a pretty good job of not letting that happen - - until last Monday night. Let me start from the beginning.

Jane holds down a full-time job in the city, and managed to secure the position of village clerk on a part-time basis here in our little town. She’s paid much better as the village clerk than at her full-time job, so she manages to milk the clerk’s position for all she can get. She’s turned it from something that was supposed to be about 6 hours a week into about 20 hours a week. But, gosh, it’s a good place to get all your personal work done and get paid for it – you know – emailing your friends, writing letters, paying bills, etc. Anyway, I digress.

As the village clerk, it’s her responsibility to take care of renting out the community center for various events that people want to hold here. In the past there have been a number of Bosnian families who have held weddings, coming-out parties – that kind of thing. And even though they sign a contract that they will leave the community center in a neat and clean fashion and have to pay a cleaning deposit, that just doesn’t seem to happen. Things are usually left in a very disheveled, dirty manner. Last Saturday night there was a Bosnian wedding dance – the bride was 16 years old. And quite a party it must have been. On Easter Sunday morning the main street right in front of the community center was left littered with beer cans, broken bottles and trash all over. Dumpsters had been tipped over and trash strewn all over, etc. These things apparently happened after the party was over and security had gone. So with the main street looking like this you can imagine what the inside of the community center looked like. Apparently there was food that had been thrown onto the walls and all over the floor, drinks poured on the floor, and someone took a poop on the floor in the corner of the men’s bathroom.

Some community-minded citizen passing by and seeing this took it upon himself to call Bob about it. Bob is on the village council. Bob apparently went down to inspect it after church on Sunday morning and upon his arrival back home he called Jane just to inform her of the situation. It wasn’t that he expected Jane to handle the situation immediately, but just to give her a heads up so that she could contact the renting party on Monday and settle the issue. I guess Jane absolutely went ballistic – not because the community center was left in such a mess, but over the fact that Bob would have the BALLS (to use Jane’s words) to call her on Easter Sunday and ruin her holiday!!! Later that evening Dick stopped at Bob and Carol’s and requested that Bob call Jane back and apologize. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? The sad part is that Bob did call her back and apologized for ruining her Sunday. He said he did it just to keep the peace because as a council member he has to work closely with her.

Whether it was Dick’s idea to request the apology from Bob or whether Jane made Dick’s life so miserable that he had to I don’t know. But either way, it’s a sorry situation.

Dick called me a couple of days ago to inform me that it’s Jane’s birthday today (Saturday) and that he was planning a birthday party for her. Right away my brain goes into overdrive trying to think of a quick excuse to get out of going, but nothing came to mind. It’s potluck, bring your own meat to put on the grille, whatever you want to drink and a gift. Any opinions on that statement? I’m going to keep MY mouth shut and not express MY opinion, which happens to be the same as Ole’s, and Bob and Carol’s.

Anyway, the four of us decided we’d put in an appearance, stay for a couple of hours and then beat feet. I have NO desire to hang around and watch Jane and all her antics when she’s the center of attention.

I had such a fun day yesterday. The YaYa Sisters met again for lunch and this time one of our girlfriends came up from Minneapolis just to have lunch with us. It was so fun – we sat and reminisced for almost four hours – and we never seem to run out of things to talk about. Our next date is planned for towards the end of April.

Lovely Daughter and I are going shopping this afternoon – we need to look for paper for wedding invitations and she wants me to start looking for mother-of-the-bride dresses. I said I would look, but I’m not buying anything until I manage to get a few of these extra pounds off. She’s still a bit up in the air about the colors for the bride’s maids dresses, so maybe we can get some of that settled today.

Speaking of trying to lose a few pounds – I’ve got just the best situation. As you know, Ole is a volunteer fireman. The new fire station has a complete workout room full of commercial exercise machines and free weights, along with an elliptical and a beautiful treadmill. Bob, who is also on the fire board, got permission for the wives of the fireman to use the workout room. I went three times last week and love it. I go about 10 in the morning and I’m there all by myself – just me and the TV with nobody to watch what I’m doing. Boy, I’ve needed this for a long time – so wish me luck.

All for now – got to get ready to meet Lovely Daughter and go shopping.


JustMe said...

Gee, that's attractive... and handy for holding that drink. One would think it would be a bit too chilly for a shirt like that! Honestly, disgusting. Unless it's you, then I think it's great haha.

art sez: said...

i know what that is!! the infamous, but rarest of birds, the boobing alcoholic slobber bird!! nestled snugly in its boobs, is the drink of choice for this bird, and she can just bob her head up and down to recieve her nourishment, which in turn, effects her brain, and eventually turns it to mush! the boobing alcoholic slobber bird in captivity can be very aggressive in its actions, resulting in eventual trapping and caging for observation by wildlife authorities. only trained personnel should approach this bird, as it can lash out with poisonous venom.

Anonymous said...

You took a great picture of a WHALE! HA! Not to be shallow, but come on, no one wants to see that?

YankeeChick said...

For such a 'self-proclaimed' hot babe, she sure is pretty gross! I would probably look like that myself if I squeezed my 'fluffiness' into a shirt like that.......which is exactly why I would never be caught dead looking like that! EWWWWWW!!!! What a slop!

Have fun with Lovely Daughter!

Anonymous said...

That Jane, she's just one classy broad!

bluesleepy said...

After seeing her photo, it sort of starts to make sense why she's that way. I mean, wouldn't you be obnoxious if you looked like that?

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear God! She flashes them nasty ass bags of fat at people????EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Anonymous said...

drat! I missed the picture! :( But I can just imagine!

Congrats to lovely daughter! :) Must be fun shopping for a wedding!

Anonymous said...

You go with the exercise. Even a few pounds will make you feel so much better.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Minnesota had such a large Bosnian population. What a shame that they can't act civilized. That is really on the walls and shit in a corner. I'm surprised you are going to Jane's party at all.

Have fun "bride" shopping with lovely daughter and good luck on your exercise routine.