Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jane Didn't Get Her Way!! Bwahahaha!

I haven't written anything fun for so long I'm beginning to wonder if I even have a sense of humor anymore. Being sick with the flu since after Christmas, all the issues with Beau, and of course Jane, have kind of sapped my energy. But I think I'm beginning to come out of the black hole I've been in. And I don't feel like I'm going to lose a lung anymore when I cough.

Let's see - to update everyone on the Jane front:

The interviews were held on Wednesday night and much to Jane's surprise both Vice Mayor Bob and Mayor Charlie refused to use the questions that Jane had put together and given to Alice so she could be well prepared. This apparently threw Alice for quite a loop and she didn't do very well on the interview. Bob told me she took forever to answer questions and talked in circles, so didn't impress either one of them. When Alice's interview was done she came over to the Watering Hole where everyone was waiting and made the statement that the interview was much more difficult than a job interview. I wasn't there at the time, but Lovely Daughter told me that Alice was really crabby and very nervous after her "ordeal."

Then came Bill's turn to interview. Bob told me later than Bill was cool as a cucumber, gave each question a bit of thought and answered them with great answers. In other words he was very successful.

Even though Jane was not supposed to be in on the interview process, she was to be there strictly on a secretarial basis taking notes, she managed to get a couple of her own questions in to both candidates. The first question she asked was whether or not either of the candidates would discuss City business in a public place? Bwahahaha! Bob and I had a good laugh over that one!! Jane is SOOOO guilty of that - she discusses EVERYTHING about the City in the Watering Hole - who's late on their water bills, how much in arrears they are, who's not up to date on their taxes, who's had their city services turned off because they haven't paid, etc. Maybe Jane should take a look in the mirror!! Isn't it funny that people who are guilty of such things just can't see themselves?

I've said this before: Jane has made some horrible accusations of me over the past year and a half - things that I am totally not guilty of - but SHE is!! Multiple times over!!

So anyway, looks like Bill will be the new man on the city council, but SHHHHH - don't tell anyone. It's to be announced at the council meeting next Tuesday. One more time that Jane didn't get her way. Both Vice Mayor Bob and Mayor Charlie changed her venue and she lost her footing.

One more thing about Jane: She's already planning Dick's 50th birthday party which will be the end of June. This is all good and well - because it's not a surprise birthday party. She's invited a huge group over to the Taj Magarage in their backyard for a big shindig. Bring your own meat to put on the grille, a dish to pass and whatever you want to drink. No problem. The surprise part of the whole thing, and her gift to Dick is that she's planning a Bachelor Party for him. At 9 o'clock a fun bus will pull up in front of their house and all the guys will pile on and be taken to a strip club for the remainder of the evening. One that has a pretty rotten reputation in the area because there's always a lot of problems there. But here's the kicker - at least in my opinion for whatever that's worth. Hiring the fun bus costs a chunk of money - a BIG chunk because you hire the bus for the entire evening. She wants all who attend the birthday party to contribute to the cost for the fun bus. A comment I heard from a friend almost immediately was, "I thought this was HER gift to Dick. Why should I help pay for her present to him?" I think this person has a good point. She stated in the invitation that the bachelor party was her gift to her hubby - it's almost like being charged to go to his birthday party.

Maybe I'm all wet, I don't know. Maybe I find her so disgusting that nothing she does sits well with me.

The latest on Beau: Dr. Green, our main vet has consulted with Dr. Dill, and they have decided to put off another ultra sound for the time being. Beau seems to be responding to the antibiotic, although extremely slowly, so they're going to wait two weeks and then evaluate again at that time. His breathing seems to be a bit better, and a couple of nights ago he rolled onto his back and wanted his tummy scratched. Dr. Green says that's a very good sign because normally, under these conditions, he would be too uncomfortable laying on his back. He's also started sleeping on his side instead of staying up right on his stomach. Another good sign. He doesn't do it all the time, but it's becoming more frequent. So we keep hoping for the best. That's all we can do right now.


Anonymous said...

Someday, someone who doesn't know Jane is going to knock her block off. Maybe it will be an entire bus full of itinerant online journalists touring the country looking for errant javelinas. She is a total ass. Good news about Beau Dogger.

art sez: said...

this is great news all around!!! sounds like slowly but surely, beau Dogger is healing nicely! i had a big laugh reading about jane's big plan being foiled!! hahaha!!

Anonymous said...

I don't take sides of course, but your account of the latest Jane episode had me chuckling merrily. I've read fiction with less to say for itself than your Jane stories.

I'm glad to hear the more encouraging news about Beau, too.

John B aka OGP

Yvonne said...

I would have loved to see Jane's face when she realized her plan was not going to work. It would have been better to watch her truly get called on the carpet.

That's really good news about Beau. May he continue to improve.

bluesleepy said...

That is the height of tackiness -- to ask people to chip in for the cost of the bus!! Jane needs her very own copy of Emily Post's Etiquette. Sheesh. So glad to hear she was foiled!! It sure sounds like Bill is the best man for the job.

That's good news about Beau. Hopefully the antibiotic will continue to work and he'll be back to his old self before you know it.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear about beau! and jane, that made me laugh!! and thanks for your comments and support....

Anonymous said...

So glad Beau appears to be on the mend. I can't wait to hear what happens when Jane finds out she doens't get her way. {can we say narcissist big time}. I agree with you on the birthday party, what she's doing is just rude and tacky.

Anonymous said...

You have enough material about Jane to write a good book...she sure is a larger than life character. Imaging throwing a BYO party then asking people to chip in on HER gift...then again...It's Jane!!! So happy to hear about Beau...he's gonna be fine...I just know it.

Anonymous said...

Glad you and Beau are feeling better. (I think I have an Asian relative of your cough, caught it on a trip to Japan.)

Nearly spit coffee all over my monitor while reading about Jane's comeuppance. My heavens, she sure is cheeky to ask folks to contribute toward the price of "her gift."

Hugs from Asia,
~ Sil

Anonymous said...

The whole paying to go to a party thing? I'm in the middle of that one right now. I am going to a bachlorette party and they are asking for $50 each to attend. I said no. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to help them cut down the costs. No way would I plan a party and ask the attendees to PAY to go. That's outrageous!!!!! Glad that Beau is doing better!!!

Anonymous said...

What kind of reprimand is Jane going to get from giving that girl the questions. I mean its unethical! Isnt that illegal too? And I wouldnt pay for anyones trip to the Booby house of pleasure. Thats just wrong. its her gift, not yours. Ew!
And Grand doggie Beau, I am so glad!! Ill keep praying good thoughts for him.

Anonymous said...

Duh thats me up there as Anonymous, sorry. I ma doofus.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Beau is doing better. That's great news! Give his tummy an extra scratch or two for me.

As for Jane, she is the most obnoxious thing. Bill is the best man for the job. I hope that Bob and Charlie will at least call her out on her devious ways.

And Dick. He deserves a good time away from Jane but not at the expense of everyone invited. Buying a guy a birthday drink is one thing, but paying for his entire party is ridiculous. Is she hinting at something by naming it a "Bachelor Party"?

I'd be willing to donate a few bucks if he'll actually divorce her. HA!

(Ohhh, that was ugly of me. Meh, it's the truth.)

Anonymous said...

Hurrah!!! About time Jane got some come up 'ens. Too bad so many towns are just like that. I think you are right that she only sees that in others.

I am so happy Beau is feeling even a little bit better. We will continue to pray for him.

Yvonne said...

Any new news on Sweet Beau?