Here's coming:
And here's going:
Isn't that a hoot? The white truck is well known around town and the countryside for this very appearance. Nobody knows Ole, but they sure know the white truck with the two shepards riding around in it. And you can imagine that there's really not much room for another "person" to share that front seat.
When Ole bought this truck he said the two doggers made the selection. He was looking at one with carpeted floor and upholstered seats and lots of bells and whistles. Black upholstered seats. Not a good mix with two hair factories that leave all their blond hair around. So he decided on this one with vinyl seats and rubber floor mats. Not real cushy, but simple to clean. He just opens both doors and uses the air hose to blow all the hair out. Ta-da! It's clean!! Except for all the nose prints on the windows of course.
I have nothing to report (yet) on the Jane situation, although I know that she was working down at City Hall last night. About 7:15 my phone rang and the caller ID identified the call as coming from City Hall. I'm guessing it was her calling to bitch me out. I didn't answer. I want to deal with her face to face because it's too easy for her to hide behind a telephone. I've got my ammunition ready, now I'm just waiting. The big interview process is tonight, so I'm supposing that Vice Mayor Bob and Mayor Charlie were together last night down at City Hall preparing and this whole issue was addressed. I will call Bob when he gets home from work this afternoon and follow up on the situation.
I do have good news to report on Beau. Ole took him to the vet's this morning for his x-rays and they showed that there is less fluid around his lungs. Not significantly less, but less none the same. So they kept him and are going to drain more fluid this afternoon and inject a saline solution and drain that. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear this up and it won't come back. That's the kicker - not coming back. If the foreign material is still there - it will come back. If the foreign material has dissolved, then we'll be lucky and he should remain clear.
So at least we've taken two steps forward and none backwards this time.
NOT such good news on Beau:
The vet called about noon. She was not able to take anymore fluid out of Beau's chest cavity because of the way his lungs sit in his chest. Because the fluid seems to be compartmentalized she would have to make several "pokes" and was afraid she would puncture his lung and deflate it. She was going to call another surgeon and see if he thought he could get the fluid out while Beau is having an ultrasound, which makes a clearer picture than an X-ray. It's getting hard to keep hopes up.
Oooh! Face to face with Jane! WOW! You go! And....excellent news about your dogger buddy. updated this entry. Not such good news for your dogger. I am so sorry. Hoping for the best.
we here are hoping and have faith that beau will pull thru!! he is a strong dogger, and we know he will pull thru!!! please dont lose faith!! one step at a time. (((((((HUGS))))))♥ ♥
Zipper is right.
All my hopes, prayers and best vibes for Beau's recovery.
Jane can just rot.
Great pics of Ole & the dogs, but I sure am sorry to hear that things are not yet looking up for Beau. You know my prayers are with you!
We're with Zipper! You're a good, strong doggy buddy and Lena and Ole love you very much. We're pulling for you and you're in our prayers. Hang in there, Beau!
The antibiotics seem to be working although slowly. Maybe the other surgeon will be able to help. Don't lose hope. Beau is a fighter.
As for Jane, I fart in her general direction. Heh.
That picture of the doggers is just so funny!! I sure hope it works out for Beau. Poor baby! Our thoughts and paws are with you!
As for Jane, I am sure she's gonna get come up'ns soon!! I really really hate people like that and there are tons.
Oh man...I clicked in hoping for news of Beau, got the good news then scrolled down and my heart just sank...especially after seeing those pictures..I'm still keeping my optimists attitude..he WILL be ok.
LOVE the photos of Ole and the dogs!!!
I'm still praying for Beau. *HUGS*
Jane can just KMA! My big white A%% I might add.
Im saying hopeful prayers for Grandoggie B. Sometimes the furry ones mean more than skinned ones. I always get all choked up reading about sick fur kids.
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