My Lurker is back. Last time she checked my site she read 8 pages.
You Wordpress users - does Wordpress allow you to ban IP addresses? Blogspot doesn't - at least I haven't found any information about that. And I really don't want to go back to Dland. But I may have to.
I don't think you can ban IPs on Wordpress. It's a sad thing. I don't know why you can't.
That's sad that you have a lurker.
I just looked through the Wordpress forum. You can ban people from commenting, but you can't ban them from accessing your page. But it's not a done deal even with banning people from commenting because not everyone has a static IP address. Hope that helps.
i have a lot of lurkers. i get 35-40 hits a day, and only 2-5 comments on avg.
No banning on WP. I'd have surely banned our fRieND and her dear daughter long ago, but they still lurk! It's pretty sad that for all of DLands faults, they're the only ones that have a banning feature.
the only thing you can do is have a closed blog, and only admit people on your list. bummer.
Hi there. I hope that I am not the lurker that you speak of. I used to work with Lovely Daughter and read hers all the time and she had a link to yours one day. I truly think that you are a hoot and a half and enjoy reading it. I really hope I am not a bother. If you wish I can stop, but my smiles would only be limited then. :)
To Anonymous: I can't respond to you directly, so I hope you come back and read this. You are not the Lurker that I spoke of. I know who the Lurker is - I can tell by the sitemeter where she is from and she happens to be a relative that I had a bit of a falling out with. I think this is her way of keeping "tabs" on me, and I don't care for it very much. So you worked with my daughter at one point. Why don't you email me again and we can get a bit acquainted if you like. Only this time I'll need an email address so I can reply to you. Hope to hear from you soon.
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