Saturday, September 29, 2007

Grand Central Station at Ole and Lena's

Here it is - Saturday morning - 11:30 a.m. - and I'm still sitting in my jammies at the computer. Don't tell anybody, though - okay? I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm lazy or anything. I just can't get going this morning cause I didn't get enough sleep.

Our house was like Grand Central Station this morning. Ole and I, along with Senior Citizen Simon, (who was in the middle stretched crosswise pushing with his hind feet against Ole for more room in our king-sized bed) were sleeping in this morning when the door bell rang at 7:30 a.m. It was the grand doggers being dropped off early because both Lovely Daughter and Lars had to be to work at 8 o'clock this morning. And of course the doggers are always excited when they come over so made a mad dash down the hallway to the bedroom, leaped on the bed (which they aren't supposed to do) and began slobbering Ole's face, top of his head and in his ears. I swear Beau's tongue went in one ear and came out on the other side! This definitely got him awake.

Well, of course, this scared Simon off the bed, who ran to the kitchen and wouldn't shut up until I got up and put some of that stinky wet cat food in his dish. Then I had to stand guard while he ate it so that the doggers wouldn't snitch it from him. When Simon is eating canned food the doggers stand over him, sometimes drooling to the point where Simon gets wet. And of course, under these circumstances, Simon ALWAYS takes his time eating, chewing his food extremely well before swallowing. Meanwhile, all I can think of is going back to my nice warm bed and snuggling down under the covers and going back into La La Land.

I finally managed this and was just drifting off when the phone rang. I rolled over and grabbed it and on the other end was a sweet little voice asking for Ole. Turns out it was a buddy's teenage daughter who had been assigned the task of calling a number of car club members to remind them about a fall festival parade that was taking place this afternoon, and would he be able to drive one of his old cars in the parade. Okay. That's done. Phone hung up. Back to sleep - NOT!

Fifteen minutes later the phone rang again. Once again I picked it up and said HELLO in not so sweet a tone. This was some guy calling for Ole coordinating some other stuff for this parade.

All this between 7:30 and 8:30 on a Saturday morning. NOW YOU KNOW WHY I'M CRANKY!! I finally just gave up and went to make some coffee. And I don't even drink the darn stuff!! So you see what a good wife I am (breaks arm patting self on the back.)

Ole finally got organized and left here about an hour ago to go to the Pumpkin Festival and drive his car in the parade. He'll have two little Pumpkin Princesses in the rumble seat that will be throwing candy to the crowds, so I'm sure he'll have fun. I could have gone too, but I'm just too crabby.

Then when Ole comes home he'll have to get organized to go to Minneapolis. He's taking all his Viking paraphernalia along because he's going to the Vikings/Green Bay Packers game on Sunday. He'll be staying with a buddy, tailgating before the game and then head home tomorrow after the game. Be sure to watch for him if you watch the game. Last time he was there he was on FOX News - guess they liked his look or something. In addition to all the head gear he also carries a wooden sword and a shield made out of a Ford hubcap. So every time the Vikings do something good (which isn't very often) he bangs his wooden sword on the hubcap and makes tons of noise. Apparently FOX picked up on that and he had his 5 seconds of fame!!

Well, Folks, I need to develop a better attitude here, get my butt out of this chair and go accomplish something. I started putting my yard to bed for the winter yesterday and hope to have it all done by the end of the day today. We're leaving on a bike trip on Thursday for a week or ten days, and who knows what the weather will be like by the time we get home. I sure don't want to be out doing yard work in the snow!!

So - Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go (ugh). See ya'll later.

Love Lena


Anonymous said...

And so why aren't you coming down here with Ole? You could deliver pie!

art sez: said...

methinks its naptime!!! yea!! then pie!!

Anonymous said...

I think I'll watch that game just to see if I can see Ole in that get up banging his sword on his hubcap...what a precious picture that is. So sorry to hear about Rosie...I've been saving up for a Rosie of my own. I need an enslaved appliance to keep up after the cat hair. Oh, and being a Chicago Bears fan....I hope the Vikings slaughter Green Bay.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for Ole!

JustMe said...

hey now paula no need to be violent here.. the better team will win.. and you know thats the pack haha! lena, are you driving down through green bay? and when will you get there?

Anonymous said...

Busy morning, Lena...kinda sounds like our house!

Great get-up on Ole! Even Jim got out of his chair to come look at him!

Yvonne said...

You certainly make being crabby sound fun!

YankeeChick said...

Ole is SO handsome as a Viking!!! I may have to give up on my Redskins (well, actually I did that a few years ago, LOL) and take up being a Vikings' fan!

Anonymous said...

Why, Ole is the cutest Viking I ever did see!!

We don't have Pumpkin Princesses here, but I know a few gals that can spit a pumpkin seed through a picket fence into a wash bucket. Heh. Nah, all we have is Tater Queens.

Anonymous said...

Lucky duck, I have been dying to go to a viking game for over 10 years.

I would be cranky too if I was you. I have to work Sat. this week and daughter has to be at the 8:30 service sunday. help!