To answer some questions from yesterday’s entry:
Yes, Jane was at the Watering Hole on Friday night, but I neglected to introduce Kitchen Logic to her. Sorry, my bad. But Kathy did get to see her and watch her perform. This was another night that Jane chose to surround herself with her entourage. So earlier in the evening Ole and I had moved from her table of Jane worshipers over to our own table so we could develop our own Group of Groupies (snicker).
I must admit that Jane has been on good behavior lately. I don’t know what’s come over her unless Dick finally told her to get her act together or else. I can’t even guess. I do know that one thing that makes her happy currently is that her son-in-law in working away from home these days and only makes it back to see his wife and little daughter about once a month. This means that her daughter and granddaughter come home every weekend so Jane can run that show more frequently. Oh, well, on to other things. Those are her issues, not mine. I have enough trouble trying to run my own life, let alone my daughter’s.
Thanks, Paula, about the warning to not touch my eyes when making salsa. Got that one under control. I never peel, de-seed or dice the peppers – I’ve talked Ole into doing that. For some reason when I’m working with peppers, even under running water, the smell gets in my throat and causes me to go into horrible coughing spasms. Then I start to choke, and we couldn’t have that because if I choked, Ole would have to finish the salsa.
A few years back Ole used to eat REALLY REALLY hot food. The hotter the better. I think you have to develop a taste for really hot over a period of time. Those were the days when we were growing habaneros, which are some of the hotter peppers available. Well, Ole thought he wanted some habaneros put into a batch of salsa so he volunteered to prepare them. He made two mistakes: 1) he didn’t wear latex gloves when he handled them, and 2) several hours after he had prepared them he rubbed his eyes and immediately went into rolling-on-the-floor pain even though he had washed his hands with soap and water several times after handling the peppers. I actually thought I was going to have to take him to the emergency room, but of course being a man, he wouldn’t go. I think he actually blistered the surface of his eyeballs. After several hours of keeping cool, wet cloths on his eyes the pain lessened and he eventually came out of it. But we learned the hard way how to handle peppers – any kind of peppers.
With my ScandiHOOvian taste buds I don’t handle any kind of hot very well. After all, Norwegian spices consist of salt, a bit of pepper and ketchup. I’m fine if the hot taste stays in my mouth, but if it burns all the way down my throat it’s definitely not good. So the current recipe for salsa that I have and we all like a lot has kind of a sweet hot taste. It won a blue ribbon at the fair a couple of years ago. But then I’m sure there’s Norwegians doing the judging, too.
Yes, Jane was at the Watering Hole on Friday night, but I neglected to introduce Kitchen Logic to her. Sorry, my bad. But Kathy did get to see her and watch her perform. This was another night that Jane chose to surround herself with her entourage. So earlier in the evening Ole and I had moved from her table of Jane worshipers over to our own table so we could develop our own Group of Groupies (snicker).
I must admit that Jane has been on good behavior lately. I don’t know what’s come over her unless Dick finally told her to get her act together or else. I can’t even guess. I do know that one thing that makes her happy currently is that her son-in-law in working away from home these days and only makes it back to see his wife and little daughter about once a month. This means that her daughter and granddaughter come home every weekend so Jane can run that show more frequently. Oh, well, on to other things. Those are her issues, not mine. I have enough trouble trying to run my own life, let alone my daughter’s.
Thanks, Paula, about the warning to not touch my eyes when making salsa. Got that one under control. I never peel, de-seed or dice the peppers – I’ve talked Ole into doing that. For some reason when I’m working with peppers, even under running water, the smell gets in my throat and causes me to go into horrible coughing spasms. Then I start to choke, and we couldn’t have that because if I choked, Ole would have to finish the salsa.
A few years back Ole used to eat REALLY REALLY hot food. The hotter the better. I think you have to develop a taste for really hot over a period of time. Those were the days when we were growing habaneros, which are some of the hotter peppers available. Well, Ole thought he wanted some habaneros put into a batch of salsa so he volunteered to prepare them. He made two mistakes: 1) he didn’t wear latex gloves when he handled them, and 2) several hours after he had prepared them he rubbed his eyes and immediately went into rolling-on-the-floor pain even though he had washed his hands with soap and water several times after handling the peppers. I actually thought I was going to have to take him to the emergency room, but of course being a man, he wouldn’t go. I think he actually blistered the surface of his eyeballs. After several hours of keeping cool, wet cloths on his eyes the pain lessened and he eventually came out of it. But we learned the hard way how to handle peppers – any kind of peppers.
With my ScandiHOOvian taste buds I don’t handle any kind of hot very well. After all, Norwegian spices consist of salt, a bit of pepper and ketchup. I’m fine if the hot taste stays in my mouth, but if it burns all the way down my throat it’s definitely not good. So the current recipe for salsa that I have and we all like a lot has kind of a sweet hot taste. It won a blue ribbon at the fair a couple of years ago. But then I’m sure there’s Norwegians doing the judging, too.

On another note:
If you haven’t read Cosmic’s entry today, it’s a must. I totally agree with her. She may not represent the entire blogging world, but her party of one became a definite party of two after I read her entry.
I haven’t said anything publicly about the recent flame war either, but it’s long past the point of being ridiculous. Certain parties seem to feel the need to keep it going. I’ve never had anything against the person, only their behavior. I always enjoyed the pictures and guess I’m way too naïve to even think about all the weirdoes out there who might have taken a shining to the pictures of children that were posted. The behavior reminds me of a spoiled three year old saying “I can play with your toys, but you can’t play with mine. I’m going to take my toys and go home.” And then standing on the front porch and saying, “Nyah-nyah-na-boo-boo.” In my opinion that’s what’s encompassed with deleting all entries, locking diaries but then keeping one diary open for all to see and making very pointed, sarcastic remarks. Adults who act this way need to grow up and get a life. Instead of threatening to quit writing, hoping that other bloggers are going to beg you not to, you need to move on. Quit taunting. That’s what spoiled brats do. By keeping this going you're forcing people who liked you previously to develop a strong distaste for you.
I really don’t care if you read my diary or not. I’m glad you find it interesting enough to keep coming back. But I really wish that people who act this way would grow up. By this time you all know who I’m talking about and I find it extremely scary that people with this kind of a personality are teaching our children.
Like Cosmic, I’m sure I’ve opened myself up for lots of attacks. But so be it. You can’t scare me. Enough said.
If you haven’t read Cosmic’s entry today, it’s a must. I totally agree with her. She may not represent the entire blogging world, but her party of one became a definite party of two after I read her entry.
I haven’t said anything publicly about the recent flame war either, but it’s long past the point of being ridiculous. Certain parties seem to feel the need to keep it going. I’ve never had anything against the person, only their behavior. I always enjoyed the pictures and guess I’m way too naïve to even think about all the weirdoes out there who might have taken a shining to the pictures of children that were posted. The behavior reminds me of a spoiled three year old saying “I can play with your toys, but you can’t play with mine. I’m going to take my toys and go home.” And then standing on the front porch and saying, “Nyah-nyah-na-boo-boo.” In my opinion that’s what’s encompassed with deleting all entries, locking diaries but then keeping one diary open for all to see and making very pointed, sarcastic remarks. Adults who act this way need to grow up and get a life. Instead of threatening to quit writing, hoping that other bloggers are going to beg you not to, you need to move on. Quit taunting. That’s what spoiled brats do. By keeping this going you're forcing people who liked you previously to develop a strong distaste for you.
I really don’t care if you read my diary or not. I’m glad you find it interesting enough to keep coming back. But I really wish that people who act this way would grow up. By this time you all know who I’m talking about and I find it extremely scary that people with this kind of a personality are teaching our children.
Like Cosmic, I’m sure I’ve opened myself up for lots of attacks. But so be it. You can’t scare me. Enough said.
Wow! You and cosmic are both well-spoken about all of this. If I don't like what people say in their diaries, I don't read them. People don't read me for the same reason. And that should be enough. No games. Trying to prove something about yourself reminds me of Shakespeare when he said, "The lady doth protest too much." Yes?
i havent read cosmic yet, but i do know what she hath talked about, and as far as im concerned, im washing my hands of the whole affair, keeping in mind NOT to rub my eyes, after what i just read what happened to ole!!! wow!! hava happy sunday!!
i agree, the whole thing was really immature of all the people involved. i for one tried to stay out of it, and i still got a kick in the pants. she will lose lots of readers now.
You said it well, my friend. Unfortunately, I am compelled to write about it one last time, myself!
Dang, dang, dang. I was so hoping that KLogic would layeth the smacketh down upon Jane-the-pain. Anyway, sounds like you all had a ton of fun.
I learned my lesson about habaneros much like Ole did. Owww! Those cute little peppers are from the devil, I tell you.
LOVE YOU! Love your blog!
ANd see hhow nice you are about the whole friggin thing!! LOL.
My taste buds have laways been on the wimpy side so got stuff has never been my thing but now its changed with MENopause I guess. Im guessing its either the Onion powder or something in the Ketchup but some days that burns my tongue. LOL. Im a wimp.
I just loved hot stuff and it burned out my guts. :) You are smart to stay away from it. Besides isn't Pickled herring spicy enough?
Well, I got burned by both ends in the flame. All I did was keep my mouth shut, try to remain friends with both and now it seems I'm no longer welcome at either. This is unbelievable from two 50+ year old women. Enjoy your salsa.
Oops...thats me...dustyclutterbug...I signed in anonymously by accident.
No, Paula, NO!!! I emailed you and will hunt you down!! I would never ententionally take you off my blog roll!! I love you, Lady!
Amen, Lena. I think you said it quite well.
My father loves to eat hot things. He doesn't want to eat it unless it burns his tongue. My husband loves hot things, but for him it's more about taste. If hot sauce doesn't taste right with what he's eating, then he won't use it. He only really uses hot sauce on things that *should* be hot.
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