My good friend Yvonne has chosen ME as one of her five choices for Rockin’ Girl Blogger!! I’m SO flattered. Thanks for all the nice comments, Yvonne. But now that I’ve got a “reputation” I’ll have to work that much harder to keep all you folks entertained!!

Anyway, now I’m supposed to chose five other Rockin’ Girl Bloggers. That’s the hard part because you’re all good in your own special way.
After much consideration – here’s my list:
First of all I’m going to go with Art. I know, I know – he’s not a Girl Blogger you say. But you know what? I LOVE reading his entries, he blogs EVERY day and the stories of what happens “on the job” and around his building complex are so interesting. And I especially love his stories about his life before he settled down and had a family (Zipper). So Art, I hope you’re not offended for being chosen as a Rockin GIRL Blogger – I look at you as just One of the Gang!!
Then there’s Pseudowife, a gal I’ve gotten acquainted with over the last several months. She writes from Australia and I find both the content and the language so enjoyable. Yes, I said language – because there are many times when I’m left having to figure out just what “that” term would mean in American English!! Sometimes I even have to write and ask her and she’s always glad to oblige. Go read her, I’m sure you’ll find her very interesting.
Next is The Crankyone, also known as WarrensMom. She’s a friend of Lovely Daughter’s and a most courageous person who is raising a teenage son by herself. She’s also a very determined and dedicated person having lost one whole person over the last year (weight loss). I admire her tremendously.
And I love reading Ladybug. She formerly blogged from one of the New England states, but currently comes to us from Israel. What an interesting read to find out what goes on over there. Unfortunately she has succumbed to multiple sclerosis, and deals with pain issues and fatigue on a daily basis.
And you HAVE to read Shear-madnez. She owns/operates a small-town beauty salon down South and her writing is a hoot! When she writes about her clients it’s like reading a story from Andy of Mayberry!!
So now it’s up to these fine writers to nominate five more. What a wonderful way for the rest of us to be introduced to new bloggers.
Okay, you five – go have at it. We expect good reports back soon.
(flails out a hip, and puts index finger on the right corner of mouth, and defiently flips hair back, like a lil prissy!) WELL!! hehehe!! Rockin girl blogger, huh? (snaps bubble gum in mouth) about time i was acknowleged for my talents!! wheeeeeee!!!
Congrats! You do rock. :)
Good choices! I can't read Ladybug because she is locked. WHAAAA!
Ta muchly. Greatly honoured. I shall try to live up to it.
Ladybug is a special friend of mine. Good choice! I've been following the links to check out all these awesome bloggers. Alas, too many great diaries, too little time...
Thanks! Does this mean I have to update more often? Heh. I love your diary, too!!!!!
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