Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bitchin' Bertha (AKA Jane)

That's Bitchin' Bertha (aka Jane) above

Let’s see now – to continue the soap opera “The Days of Dick and Jane” or “How Many More Ways can Jane Pout?”

We last left Dick and Jane departing from the gathering in our backyard on Sunday evening. Jane walked right by me and snubbed me, which was just fine because then I didn’t have to deal with her. Dick left and gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, “We need to talk.”

Dick had Monday off of work and stopped out that afternoon about 3:30. I THINK he wanted to discuss the Jane issue, but was surprised to find Ole in the house at that time of the afternoon. Usually Ole is out in the shop at that time of day. So I offered him a Coke and he stayed for about an hour. Several times I felt he was about to broach the Jane subject, but didn’t quite know how. Maybe I should have taken the “lutefisk by the gills” and brought Jane up, but I didn’t. I thought I’d let him do it in his own time frame, but he didn’t.

From our house he stopped by Bob and Carol’s house (I found this out later). Bob wasn’t home from work yet, but I guess he really dumped on Carol. Maybe that’s what he wanted at our house – just some one-on-one feedback from another female. Maybe he’s too embarrassed to discuss Jane with another guy. Poor Dick. Anyway - - -

Here’s what he told Carol. To give you a bit of background first: Dick and Jane’s daughter married a young man that Jane hates and is quite vocal about her feelings right to his face and in front of Daughter. Daughter graduated from college last spring and is currently doing her internship living in a town about a hundred miles from here. SIL is also working in this same town. Previously, when Daughter was going to school they lived in an apartment about ten miles from Dick and Jane and Daughter and Granddaughter spent A LOT of time at Dick and Jane’s house. Life isn’t as convenient for them now living away from “home”. You know all the NORMAL things that working parents have to deal with. Dick said that Jane is not dealing well at all with Daughter and Granddaughter living so far away. She is doing everything she can to get Daughter to LEAVE SIL and move home with Granddaughter. Dick is trying to get Jane to realize that Daughter is a grown woman now, a wife and a mother and has to lead her own life. DAUGHTER is the one that has to make the decision to stay or to go, but Jane isn’t satisfied with that notion at all. Jane wants Daughter and Granddaughter to move home where she can control ALL ISSUES. Dick told Carol that it has gotten so bad at their house that all Dick and Jane do is fight. She screams at him about everything – not only the Daughter issue, but EVERYTHING in their relationship. Remember when I told you that Jane had confided in me about Dick’s affair with the babysitter 20+ years ago? Apparently THAT’S still an issue and gets thrown in his face frequently at this point.

Dick said he’s just about reached the end of his rope – doesn’t know how much more he can take. Believe me, she does not deserve a man like Dick. And he certainly deserves much better than her.

Well, anyway, that conversation between Dick and Carol took place on Monday afternoon. Yesterday (the 4th), The Circle was invited over to Ted and Alice’s house for a barbecue supper and then over to Bob and Carol’s to watch the neighborhood fireworks from their backyard. Ole and I, and Lovely Daughter and The New Man were the only ones that showed up for supper. Bob and Carol had been invited to their son’s house for afternoon festivities, but they had let Alice know early in the day. Jane didn’t bother to let Alice know they weren’t coming until about 7 o’clock – when the meal was all over. Nice, huh? She also said they wouldn’t be coming over to Bob and Carol’s for fireworks either. Their Daughter had come home with Granddaughter and Jane was going to baby sit while Daughter went out on the town with friends.

Dick stopped over at Bob and Carol’s house about 9:30 and stayed for about a half hour. He seemed to be in a real downer mood, but who can blame him. He also seemed to feel that he had to make excuses for Jane – what for I don’t know because everybody KNOWS what she’s like. But Dick is the only one who can help himself. We can all BE there for him when/if he needs us. I KNOW none of us will be there for Jane.


art sez: said...

dick needs to cut the cord from jane. but can he? there is nothing i see that is keeping dick with jane. is town so small that dick might feel somehow ostrisized if he dumps jane? nothing seems to effect jane. perhaps y'all can run her outta town on a rail? lets all rally around dick and get him to dump jane!!

Yvonne said...

I wonder what IS keeping Dick with Jane.

Yvonne said...

P.S. I CHOSE YOU ... look at today's entry.

Anonymous said...

You Rock!!!! What a shame Dick has to put up with Jane. Why to Janes get good guys like Dicks.

Kathy said...

Hopefully you'll get some time alone with Dick so you can ask him why he's sticking it out with Jane. Because I just have to know what would make somebody put up with that. Cripes - she's nuts!