Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Clobbering Ole

I think I’m going to clobber Ole upside the head with his coffee mug for scaring the gebeesus out of me last night.

I was sleeping very soundly and at exactly 3:25 a.m. Ole sat straight up in bed and yelled “BOO,” then flopped back down in bed and immediately continued snoring. Needless to say that sent an adrenaline rush through my system that wouldn’t allow me to start snoring again at all!! So there I lay, rubbing the belly of Senior Citizen Simon, who never gets excited about anything, and listening to him purr just as loud as Ole was snoring.

When I finally did fall asleep again about the time the sun came up I had all these crazy mixed up dreams. Ole and I were visiting his mother when all his relatives from the back woods of Kentucky showed up. There were tons of them and they took over the entire house. Ole left because he couldn’t stand all the backwoods folks and their corncob pipes, but he left ME there to deal with them. They kept telling me that I smelled and that I should go take a shower but I could never get into a bathroom because all these people were all over occupying all the bathrooms. And I was SO MAD at Ole for leaving me there.

Now can anyone out there decipher THAT dream? I sure hope it’s not a prediction of things to come cause I sure don’t want to deal with his backwoods relatives from Kentucky. Actually I don’t think he even has any relatives in Kentucky. But there must be something important about it because I can remember it – even this far into the day.

Yup – I think I have to clobber him with his coffee mug when he gets home.

On another note – I know I’ve been shy on entries here – not doing my part to keep you folks entertained and all that. But I think I’ve hit a dearth (neener neener) of things to talk/write about. Either that or my brain has become pickled with bleach and Pinesol.

All that cleaning and putting back together of my living room and dining room after all the ceiling work infected me with a bug so I’ve been working on the entire house. Might as well get my spring cleaning done in the winter and be ahead of myself in the spring for once. But it’s taking me forever because I’m going through every closet and drawer and making more space everywhere. I think I’m going to have to use Ole’s truck to haul everything to the Salvation Army when I’m done.

That is if I can keep Ole out of the piles I’m piling up. I gave up having rummage sales years ago. I’d get everything arranged on tables out in the garage the night before and Ole would come home from work and go through everything. He’d take 50% of it back in the house because he just knew he might find a need for it in the future. Then years down the road when he thought he could make use of the item he couldn’t find it anyway so he’d go out and buy a new one!! Now doesn’t that just make a lot of sense to you?

Uff da – he’s such a pack rat. We’ve lived in this house since 1975 – and at this point because of his pack rattedness I would hate to have to move out. It would take at least a dozen big semi-type moving vans.

Yup – I’m going to clobber him upside the head with his coffee mug when he gets home!!


art sez: said...

now now!! dont ruin a good coffee mug!!! use a rolling pin instead!!! it wont break!!! if'n you have some rummage stuff you dont want, throw some my way!!! i'll be happy to take it off ya hands!!

bluesleepy said...

Maybe Ole will be smart and not come home till you're over your clobbering mood!! ;o)

My husband woke me up this morning too at 7:06am. He's supposed to be at work between 7:15 and 7:30; it's a good thing he has no hair to brush or makeup to put on!! He'd forgotten to turn on his alarm, you see. Why I had to be awake too, I am not sure.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Ole was dreaming when he sat up and went BOO!!..that is so funny. Mike is a pack rat too and does the same thing...if I pitch, I have to put it in a big black bag and haul it off to some apartment complex dumpster cause if he sees any of his "treasures" out they come...nice things like the window shade that doesn't fit any windows...stuff like that. Once I cleaned out the garage of the place we lived in for 20 years and I gave up going into the garage long before that. When we moved and I had to clear it out....way way in the back of the garage...I found a kitchen sink...yep...everything...including the kitchin sink. I sympathize with ya sista.

Anonymous said...

Wow, really? Sat up and said BOO? Cool. Well not really cool to wake you up though. You may need quite a few coffee mugs if Ole keeps it up, but why waste a good mug... Save it for Jane.

Anonymous said...

P.s .. We haven't stayed anywhere for as long as we've been in the present house so, I haven't had that problem. Unfortunately I am the pack rat of the family. But I did clear alot last thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Poor Ole! Was he taking Ambien?

pseudowife said...

I'm glad I'm not alone in having a night-yelling hubby. I've never had "boo" but I've had him yell other quite weird stuff.

It used to worry me. Now it just gives me the irrits. I completely understand the coffee mug urge.