Paula said...
"Wow...that beats Poolie's story of eating crotched gummy bears. Interesting story. I heard that people in Iceland don't have last names and that they are the best looking people on the planet."
Well now, Paula’s comment on my entry of yesterday deserves a response, that’s for sure.
The Icelandics do have last names, but they use something called the patronymic naming system. At one point all the ScandihOOvian countries did, but I believe that Iceland is the only one that has kept the system. This simply means that you take your father’s last name and add sson if you are a son and dottir if you are a daughter. So if your first name was Peter, and your father’s name was John, you would become Peter Johnsson. If you were a female and your first name was Petra and your father’s name was John you would become Petra Johnsdottir. If you’re Peter Johnsson and you have a son named Sven your son would be named Sven Petersson, and his son’s name would be Svensson or if he had a daughter she would have a last name of Svensdottir – see how it goes? Can you imagine trying to do some genealogical research in this mess?
And another thing – the phone books are all listed in alphabetical order of course – by FIRST name!!
As for the Icelandics being the best looking people on the planet I have to agree – at least as far as the women go. They are absolutely gorgeous. All tall, blond and very slender with gorgeous figures. You occasionally find a red head, but not too often. The men, on the other hand, leave a lot to be desired in the physical appearance category. Most of them are very scruffy looking, unshaven, greasy hair, etc. Most of their negative physical appearance is due to their personal hygiene, and I’m sure if that improved their attractiveness would also.
It was the custom in Iceland to wear old wool sport coats as outerwear because it never gets very cold there. These old sport coats were worn day in and day out, and regardless of what kind of a job you had. You could be a welder or a fisherman or a construction worker, but the uniform of the day was always an old wool sport coat – that NEVER went to the cleaners! So you can imagine what they started to smell like.
The Icelandic people were very kind, nice people as a whole, but there was, of course, a small faction that didn’t want the NATO base in their country. Most of them were hard-line communists and extremely vocal. None of them, communists or not, were very keen on having the American sailors hanging around with their young women because they were a nation of purists. Not only did they want to keep their race pure, but they knew that if their daughters married the American military men they would soon be taken from the country when the sailors went to their next duty station. The young girls felt differently, of course, and looked to the Americans as a ticket “out.” This NATO base was established during WWII, (there were still some buildings being used of WWII vintage) and somewhere along the line the sailors developed the nicknames of Mojack and Mojenny for the Icelandic men and women. I have no idea what the significance of these nicknames was, but they were still in use when Ole and I were in Iceland.
One year we decided to give a Halloween party – no costumes no admittance type of party. I must say there were some extremely unusual costumes that arrived. But one of the most unique had to be the guy who came as a Mojack (there’s that word again). He wore heavy work boots, dirty pants (never jeans), a slouch hat and the best part of the costume was his old wool sports coat that he had gone to the thrift store to buy. In order to make it smell bad he had drained the oil from a couple of cans of tuna fish and poured it in his pockets. We had two cats at that time that absolutely crawled all over him throughout the entire evening!! THEY loved him even if no one else wanted to get close to him!!
"Wow...that beats Poolie's story of eating crotched gummy bears. Interesting story. I heard that people in Iceland don't have last names and that they are the best looking people on the planet."
Well now, Paula’s comment on my entry of yesterday deserves a response, that’s for sure.
The Icelandics do have last names, but they use something called the patronymic naming system. At one point all the ScandihOOvian countries did, but I believe that Iceland is the only one that has kept the system. This simply means that you take your father’s last name and add sson if you are a son and dottir if you are a daughter. So if your first name was Peter, and your father’s name was John, you would become Peter Johnsson. If you were a female and your first name was Petra and your father’s name was John you would become Petra Johnsdottir. If you’re Peter Johnsson and you have a son named Sven your son would be named Sven Petersson, and his son’s name would be Svensson or if he had a daughter she would have a last name of Svensdottir – see how it goes? Can you imagine trying to do some genealogical research in this mess?
And another thing – the phone books are all listed in alphabetical order of course – by FIRST name!!
As for the Icelandics being the best looking people on the planet I have to agree – at least as far as the women go. They are absolutely gorgeous. All tall, blond and very slender with gorgeous figures. You occasionally find a red head, but not too often. The men, on the other hand, leave a lot to be desired in the physical appearance category. Most of them are very scruffy looking, unshaven, greasy hair, etc. Most of their negative physical appearance is due to their personal hygiene, and I’m sure if that improved their attractiveness would also.
It was the custom in Iceland to wear old wool sport coats as outerwear because it never gets very cold there. These old sport coats were worn day in and day out, and regardless of what kind of a job you had. You could be a welder or a fisherman or a construction worker, but the uniform of the day was always an old wool sport coat – that NEVER went to the cleaners! So you can imagine what they started to smell like.
The Icelandic people were very kind, nice people as a whole, but there was, of course, a small faction that didn’t want the NATO base in their country. Most of them were hard-line communists and extremely vocal. None of them, communists or not, were very keen on having the American sailors hanging around with their young women because they were a nation of purists. Not only did they want to keep their race pure, but they knew that if their daughters married the American military men they would soon be taken from the country when the sailors went to their next duty station. The young girls felt differently, of course, and looked to the Americans as a ticket “out.” This NATO base was established during WWII, (there were still some buildings being used of WWII vintage) and somewhere along the line the sailors developed the nicknames of Mojack and Mojenny for the Icelandic men and women. I have no idea what the significance of these nicknames was, but they were still in use when Ole and I were in Iceland.
One year we decided to give a Halloween party – no costumes no admittance type of party. I must say there were some extremely unusual costumes that arrived. But one of the most unique had to be the guy who came as a Mojack (there’s that word again). He wore heavy work boots, dirty pants (never jeans), a slouch hat and the best part of the costume was his old wool sports coat that he had gone to the thrift store to buy. In order to make it smell bad he had drained the oil from a couple of cans of tuna fish and poured it in his pockets. We had two cats at that time that absolutely crawled all over him throughout the entire evening!! THEY loved him even if no one else wanted to get close to him!!
Here’s a picture of the Mojack and the Mojenny!! Aren’t they cute?

no wonder the women wanted to leave!! being around all those stinky men!! yeeech!!! very educational here!!
You make me howl!
You are so interesting. That is such a hoot that that guy came to the party not only dressed like a Mojack but went through the bother of perfuming himself to smell like one too.
Reading this bit of racism makes me glad to be rid of the base from my country.
Looks like you are happy to have us back, to keep Putin from enslaving your ass. Your women were gorgeous, spoke almost no English and we're horney as her - perfect wives! NAS Keflavik '71-73.
Go home Yankee.
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