Don't I look cool with that space-age Christmas tree?
Then there was the year when Lovely Daughter was about 4 or 5 and we were going to have a BIG REAL tree. We have a cathedral ceiling in our living room - the high side is about 12 feet high. So we decided we'd go out to the farm where Ole spent his summers with Aunt Mary and Uncle Henry and cut a tree down from the woods.
Let me tell you, they look a LOT smaller when they're out in the woods than they do when you get them in the living room. We walked and walked through the snow and the woods to find THE perfect tree, all fat and found and bushy. Loaded it into the pickup and it stuck out of the back of the box by several feet. That should have been the clue right there, Folks, that this tree was going to be too frickin' big to put in our living room. Somehow we managed to get that fat tree into the living room but couldn't get it set up because it was way too tall for the 12 foot side of the room. I think Ole cut about 4 feet off the bottom just in order to get it upright. THEN we had to cut branches off two of the sides to get it to fit in the corner because it was so fat. Without trimming the branches off two sides to fit into the corner, it stuck out so far into the room there was no room for any furniture!! When we finally got it situated we didn't have a tree stand that was big enough to hold the tree trunk. I don't remember what we did to overcome that, but I remember we finally got the tree upright and decorated and decided that the next year we'd go buy a 5 footer!! You can't imagine how many needles a tree that size can shed!!
There have been many other stories about Christmas trees over the years. There's the year we lived in Iceland and had to order our tree in June to be shipped in onto the NATO base because Iceland has no trees of any kind. The tree was so dry by the time we got it in December that it was amazing it had any needles on it at all. Christmas Eve morning I was vacuuming and bumped the tree and ALL of the needles fell off. All I had was a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. So I raced down to the local hardware store and bought the only green plastic tree they had. There were others - one white, one aluminum and one pink, but this was the only green tree. I paid $40 for it - $40 that we just didn't have to spend, and Ole blew his stocking cap off when he found that out. But we had that tree for almost 20 years before we got rid of it.
We've used artificial trees for the most part over the years, although once in a while interspersed were real trees. Ole's always been a believer in REAL trees, but he's given up fussing about the fake ones because he doesn't like cleaning up all the needles any more than I do.
Now we've graduated to one of those trees that has fiber optics woven in with the needles, and has a color wheel in the base that turns and the fiber optics change color.
Do you see history repeating itself here? I do.
Art also was wondering what the screwiest Christmas gift was that you received. I don't know if it's the screwiest or the worst but it definitely falls into that category, and not so much the gift itself, but because of who I got it from. When we lived in Iceland we hadn't been married very long. The first Christmas we were there my mother-in-law sent me a pair of leopard-skin pajamas with FEET in them!! I've always wondered what kind of a point she was trying to make (snicker).

Okay now - let's continue this. What's the screwiest, dumbest or worst Christmas present you've ever received?
If I do it this way you'll be more inclined to answer than just pass it off (so there!). So I nominate the following to spill their guts in their blog - tell all!!
Lovely Daughter (there's method to my madness here)
Poolie (this ought to be good)
Have at it, Bloggers - I have to go to the store now and lay in supplies for the Cookie Bakers!!
Don't mind me - I'm just checking this out because someone said my comments had changed.
I have been lucky I haven't gotten any nutty christmas gifts that I can recall, I may have to step into the way back machine tonight to see if I can come up with one.
How about a wacky snow story...
Btw, I think you may enjoy my first recollection of a real snowy year.
btw, my daughter would love that pj outfit :)
well, not much to say in the blog! the screwiest xmas present was from the salvation army, i got a comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bar of soap and a washrag, all nifty tucked inna small ditty bag!!
Them's some sexy jammies you got goin' there, mama! Woo Hoo!!
I think I was in college when I got a pair of purple footed pajamas for Christmas from my parents. And let me tell you -- I still have them 10 years later because they are AWESOME. They especially came in handy when the power would go out in WA, and the temps would go down to 45ยบ in the house. They are the warmest, comfiest, coziest things ever.
Okay, kid. You asked for it! This is poolie by the way.
Love those PJ's.
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