Anyway, meet Medora, my newest Grand Kitty. Isn't she a sweet little thing? She's between three and four months old and really runs the show both at her house and at mine. She rules all the other cats with an iron paw.

She's busy, busy, busy getting into mischief. Below she's managed to climb to the top of Lovely Daughter's patio door screen. Fortunately they have Paw Proof screen so it can't be damaged by kittens doing acrobatics.
And of course she has to help Lars eat his breakfast. She jumps up onto his shoulder, tries to climb down his arm and lick the milk out of his spoon as he puts it to his mouth. She's just a bit on the spoiled side.
On another note, I'm getting frickin' tired of this constant heat. Minnesota in September is NOT supposed to be 90 frickin' frackin' degrees every day with a dew point above 70. That makes it pretty darn uncomfortable. Ole keeps telling me to quit bitching because in January when it's 40 below I'll be wishing for it - the heat that is.
Anyway, in order to alleviate Ole's suffering I finally managed to find a space saver coffee pot. We had one two coffee pots ago and I just loved it because it bolts up under the cabinet and doesn't take up any counter space. So when that one died I went shopping for another one, but there was none to be found in the city. Since then we've burned up two more pots. So yesterday when I was walking through the small appliance department at Wally World, what should appear before my eyes, down on the bottom shelf in a far corner, but a space saver coffee pot. I snatched that baby up so fast and put it in my cart - it was done in a flash. It was the only one on the shelf, too, so I considered myself pretty fortunate.
Life is pretty dull in Ole and Lena land when the biggest thrill of your day is buying a coffee pot, don't ya' think?
Buying a tea kettle is worse. Just trust me on that.
Still better than my story of the printer I bought the other day at Wally World!
MEDORA the wondercat!! yay!!! shes a champion!!!
maybe you just havent had the right coffee! and where do you get paw proof screens? i could use some!!!
Ooo, that kitty is spoiled! :D
Oooo, pretty kitty! I'd love another one or 3 or 4 :)
Love the Kitty. She looks like Fluff fluff, a cat I used to have when I was little. I was only 8 or 9 which is why the goofy name. She had a brother named Tom Tom, who looked exactly like Morris from the catfood commercials, right down to the attitude.
I can sooooo relate to coffee withdrawals. McDonald's needs a 12 step program for their coffee. I never drank coffee at all until I was pregnant. Now, I'm addicted to the stuff.
What a sweet kitty! AND!! I've never heard of paw proof screens. I need those for sure.
I'll second that heat thing. Except we haven't gotten out of 100's ... Man I hate it.
cute kitty!!
As for the coffee pot thing, the biggest deal in my life next to the kids is the new Refrigorator.
:) Happy Thursday!
Adorable kitty. I had a cat that could play a screen like a harp...her way of asking to come in. Also, meant to leave a note the other day, I enjoyed your steam threshers video.
Okay, super cute cat. I have a coffee addiction myself. Starbucks is making a fortune on me.
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