I bet you’re all waiting with bated breath to hear the latest report about Jane, huh? I can’t believe how many of you wrote and told me that you’re having Jane Withdrawals. Well, we certainly can’t have that, now can we?
I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Jane has been on a bit better behavior pattern as of late. But we’ll pick up the story where I left off last Wednesday, okay?
Ole and I went down to the Local Watering Hole on Wednesday night and met up with Bob and Carol for burgers. Jane had emailed me earlier in the day to see if we were going to go for a motorcycle ride, as it was Wednesday night, you know. For the last couple of summers Wednesday night has been kind of a traditional ride night as long as the weather cooperated. But Ole and I opted out this time because having just put 3,000 miles on the Harley over the last month we decided we needed a Butt Break. So Dick and Jane took off with a couple of other locals, headed south a few miles for supper and were back at the Local Watering Hole by about 8 o’clock. This gave us a good opportunity to have a visit with Bob and Carol without Jane butting in with her opinion all the time (as if anyone really cared). Sorry to sound so snotty, but I just can’t STAND that woman.
Anyway, Bob and Carol informed us that Dick has confided in them that the thought of leaving Jane has been occurring to him more and more frequently. She’s just gotten to be more than he can take. So I guess we’ll see where all that goes. (Lovely Daughter, when you read this, please keep this confidential – it doesn’t need to get around in small town gossip.) Dick has been exceptionally quiet the last couple of times we’ve been around him, which is highly unusual for him. He’s such a sweetheart I hate to see his heart get broken, but in the long run I’m sure his life will be much happier should this occur.
Anyway, we decided to have a bonfire on Friday night – just a small get together for everyone. This is the nicest time of year to have a fire – cool evening temperatures, very little breeze so the smoke goes straight up, and the fire feels so good. I mentioned the fire to everyone on Wednesday night. Bob and Carol said they would definitely be there, as would Mae who is a friend of Carol’s but has become a good friend of ours. She’s hilarious – I’ll have to tell you about her sometime. Of course Jane spoke up right away and told me that she doubted that they would come because their daughter and grand daughter were coming in for the weekend and she’d rather spend time with them. Hey – that’s fine – I’ll just count you guys out then. Ted and Alice weren’t at the Watering Hole on Wednesday night so I emailed her the next day. She responded that they wouldn’t be coming because Dick and Jane wouldn’t be there. God forbid that Ted and Alice do something on their own without Dick and Jane. I think I’d fall off the edge of the Earth if that ever happened. Alice thinks Jane walks on water. I have seen Jane be so mean to Alice that Alice has been in tears – right in the Watering Hole – but for some strange reason Alice still thinks that Jane is her best friend. Boy is she fooled. Jane talks so negatively behind her back – if she knew what Jane said about her she would be absolutely crushed. I’m sure Jane talks about every one of us behind our backs like that. But at least we realize it. Apparently Alice doesn’t.
So Friday night came and we all trouped down to the Watering Hole for supper and a couple of toddies. When we were done it was our intention to come out to our house, light the fire and relax. It was getting to be about 8:30 p.m. and my phone rang. It was Jane and in a very stern, angry tone of voice she asked me, “Where in the hell are you? We’re here and we expected a bonfire and there’s nobody here!” I told her I wasn’t expecting her and Dick because of what she had told me earlier in the week, but that we would all be there as soon as we got our bills paid.
Dick and Jane didn’t stay very long – maybe an hour or so. The rest of the crew had a grand time. Mae and Carol had gotten into Ole’s homemade wine, which always means a good time. Carol had brought her little karaoke machine and I was requested to get my accordion (yah, I play one of those things) out, and the next thing everyone was singing and some were dancing – polkas, waltzes, two-steps – I think a good time was had by all, although I’m glad I don’t have their headaches this morning.
So anyway, that’s the latest on Jane – I hope this alleviates at least a few of the withdrawals for some of you.
Until next time - Lena
I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Jane has been on a bit better behavior pattern as of late. But we’ll pick up the story where I left off last Wednesday, okay?
Ole and I went down to the Local Watering Hole on Wednesday night and met up with Bob and Carol for burgers. Jane had emailed me earlier in the day to see if we were going to go for a motorcycle ride, as it was Wednesday night, you know. For the last couple of summers Wednesday night has been kind of a traditional ride night as long as the weather cooperated. But Ole and I opted out this time because having just put 3,000 miles on the Harley over the last month we decided we needed a Butt Break. So Dick and Jane took off with a couple of other locals, headed south a few miles for supper and were back at the Local Watering Hole by about 8 o’clock. This gave us a good opportunity to have a visit with Bob and Carol without Jane butting in with her opinion all the time (as if anyone really cared). Sorry to sound so snotty, but I just can’t STAND that woman.
Anyway, Bob and Carol informed us that Dick has confided in them that the thought of leaving Jane has been occurring to him more and more frequently. She’s just gotten to be more than he can take. So I guess we’ll see where all that goes. (Lovely Daughter, when you read this, please keep this confidential – it doesn’t need to get around in small town gossip.) Dick has been exceptionally quiet the last couple of times we’ve been around him, which is highly unusual for him. He’s such a sweetheart I hate to see his heart get broken, but in the long run I’m sure his life will be much happier should this occur.
Anyway, we decided to have a bonfire on Friday night – just a small get together for everyone. This is the nicest time of year to have a fire – cool evening temperatures, very little breeze so the smoke goes straight up, and the fire feels so good. I mentioned the fire to everyone on Wednesday night. Bob and Carol said they would definitely be there, as would Mae who is a friend of Carol’s but has become a good friend of ours. She’s hilarious – I’ll have to tell you about her sometime. Of course Jane spoke up right away and told me that she doubted that they would come because their daughter and grand daughter were coming in for the weekend and she’d rather spend time with them. Hey – that’s fine – I’ll just count you guys out then. Ted and Alice weren’t at the Watering Hole on Wednesday night so I emailed her the next day. She responded that they wouldn’t be coming because Dick and Jane wouldn’t be there. God forbid that Ted and Alice do something on their own without Dick and Jane. I think I’d fall off the edge of the Earth if that ever happened. Alice thinks Jane walks on water. I have seen Jane be so mean to Alice that Alice has been in tears – right in the Watering Hole – but for some strange reason Alice still thinks that Jane is her best friend. Boy is she fooled. Jane talks so negatively behind her back – if she knew what Jane said about her she would be absolutely crushed. I’m sure Jane talks about every one of us behind our backs like that. But at least we realize it. Apparently Alice doesn’t.
So Friday night came and we all trouped down to the Watering Hole for supper and a couple of toddies. When we were done it was our intention to come out to our house, light the fire and relax. It was getting to be about 8:30 p.m. and my phone rang. It was Jane and in a very stern, angry tone of voice she asked me, “Where in the hell are you? We’re here and we expected a bonfire and there’s nobody here!” I told her I wasn’t expecting her and Dick because of what she had told me earlier in the week, but that we would all be there as soon as we got our bills paid.
Dick and Jane didn’t stay very long – maybe an hour or so. The rest of the crew had a grand time. Mae and Carol had gotten into Ole’s homemade wine, which always means a good time. Carol had brought her little karaoke machine and I was requested to get my accordion (yah, I play one of those things) out, and the next thing everyone was singing and some were dancing – polkas, waltzes, two-steps – I think a good time was had by all, although I’m glad I don’t have their headaches this morning.
So anyway, that’s the latest on Jane – I hope this alleviates at least a few of the withdrawals for some of you.
Until next time - Lena
Dick sounds like a prince. I hope he finds someone kind and tender.
jane needs to remember when she turns down an invitation... maybe that 2 x 4 would knock some sense into her!
i'd love to see a video of you guys and you playing the accordion!!! wheeeee!!!
I believe in ignoring BAD behavior and REWARDING good behavior. It's like puppy training. It sure does work like magic managing my classroom kids.
Why does a Dick always end up with a Jane? I know a couple just like them. BTW, thanks for your comment on the Marines. I really didn't think much about them not being "themselves" behind all that training. These guys can just take your breath away with their manners. Fortunately, this bride knew her Marine before he went in and he's in it for the career. They've been together 10 years so hopefully she knows what she is getting into but Oh, that ceremony and those uniforms....sure just charms the pants right offa ya.
Ah man!! I could stand a little bonfire right about now... what a great relaxating thing!!!
Anyways, sounds like same ol' demanding Jane.
Bonfire and Music! Heavenly! My Gram got me into Polka and she played the accordion too! God this entry brought old times back for me. Thanks.
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