Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Absolute pure unadulterated frustration

SECOND ENTRY OF THE DAY: I just came from the Diaryland site. I'm ready to tear my hair out. PURE FRUSTRATION - this will be the last day that I go through Diaryland to make my name pop up in red to let you readers know that I've made a new entry. I tried earlier to post a comment on Poolie's latest entry, and after waiting 10 minutes for it to post I gave up in frustration. So I stopped the upload and went back to try and post again and INSTANTLY the spam thing came up. If this is Andrew's idea of fixed, he's got some serious brain issues here. I love all of you who are the diehards and have stuck with Andrew through thick and thin. But I just can't put myself through the frustration anymore of trying to comment through Dland. I could become covered with spiderwebs and turn to dust while waiting for the comments to post. Hopefully you will continue to read me over here Blogspot even without my name turning red over at Diaryland. I'll try to find the time to get a notify list organized that you can join so we can hopefully stay connected.


Anonymous said...

from purple chai --

I'm setting up a Google Groups notify list, which seems to be good and easy but I'm still testing it out. Also, having everybody listed on a Google Reader page is SO MUCH better than the buddies list on dland -- I love it! Everybody should do it.

Anonymous said...

It's time for all the Diarylanders to move on UP to the world wide web of bloggers outside of Diaryland. That Google Reader is much better than a buddy list. I mean, the thing notifies you the second somebody posts an entry! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Did you get your prizes yet?

JustMe said...

funny, i dont seem to have much problem with dland anymore. comments always took a long time to post on poolas diary, and i dont know why. if you want to comment on mine, just leave a note.

Anonymous said...

Now that I am a fellow blog spot blogger, I'll make sure I keep up. I agree...diaryland is just to frustrating.