Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pictures of the Wicked Witch of the Nort'land

Several people have written wondering what Jane looks like. So here's a glimpse. See if my "word pictures" have done her justice!!

Kitchen Logic has been fortunate/unfortunate enough to see Jane in real time, although I didn't introduce them the night Kitchen Logic was visiting Ole and me at the Watering Hole. But KL is pretty astute at judging a book by its cover and formed some pretty accurate opinions.

So anyway - Heeeere's Jane - in all her glory doing what she does best - flapping her lips - opening her mouth and inserting something in it!!

At least it's something going in and not a bunch of bullshit coming out!!


art sez: said...

is her last name hathaway? yeeeeee~!! thats scary!

Yvonne said...

Maybe that's the way to keep her quiet - keep feeding her. Eventually she'll be to heavy to move and will have to stay home and out of everyone's business! Yep, that's a plan.

YankeeChick said...

OMG!! Nothing like I pictured her!! I'm with Art...I guess I pictured a modern day version of Miss Hathaway!! LOL

Anonymous said...

This is pretty close to how I pictured her, although it's hard to tell with out being able to see her hair.

Anonymous said...

She does everything in a rather gross fashion, doesn't she?

bluesleepy said...

That's a woman?! I really couldn't tell, except by the jewelry.


And that's all I can say about that!

Anonymous said...

Is she akin to Gene Simmons? I'm with the other commenter up yonder ^. Whenever she opens her mouth, shove a twinkie in.

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm sure glad I am not near that mouth!! wow!

She needs a come up'ns...